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Queen snowfall was pacing around her room. It was very early in the morning and she should have been sleeping but she couldn't. Something wasn't right.

"The Icewing kingdom is at peace we have a plan to get the bug dragons back to their home. So what is wrong with me?" Snowfall mumbled to herself.

She finally sat down. There was a pit in her stomach. And endless bottomless pit. One that nothing could fill. Snowfall went back to a few days ago. She reminisced over those few days. Being away from the kingdom, having her eyes opened. The stupid vision ring really had helped. Even she couldn't deny that. But something, someone also helped her. She didn't want to admit it but maybe Lynx wasn't all terrible and maybe Snowfall missed her just a little bit. Or maybe a lot. Lynx really felt like her first real friend. And to know she was off in a land of weird mind control plants and four winged butterfly dragons. It terrified her. Snowfall remembered back to those nights. Lynx had always been with her. The soothing cool of their scales touching. Snowfall liked it. No matter how much she may have denied it aloud. But that was completely normal! And super platonic. It was completely normal to wish your strictly friend was by your side 24/7. And miss how their body felt against yours and miss their positive help every one attitude.    Totally...

"Queen Snowfall your presence is requested in the Royal courtroom," a guard said from behind the door.

Turns out that Snowfalls NOT pining had taken up a lot of time and it was already an acceptable time to be awake.

"Of course," snowfall replied as she walked out.

"Was that queenely enough? Probably. Right? What would Lynx think? WAIT! NO, NO, NO! I don't care what she would think. I think I was exactly the right amount of queenely."

The guard gave Snowfall a concerned look. Apparently yelling at yourself in your own mind makes quite the show of facial expressions. In response Snowfall scowled at them. 

The guard quickly turned around to walk with Snowfall to the courtroom. Snowfall had gotten rid of Tundra a while ago and had gotten some new faces in the court. It was honestly one of the only times she felt excited for any queen duties. As she walked into the room the dragons bowed just as they should. Snowfall did a slight queenely bow in response.

"Greetings queen snowfall," voiced a dragon that seemed just a bit older than Snowfall herself. She had a darker blue face with other odd markings. Snowfall thought her name was Caribou but she couldn't be quite sure. The other council members followed suit. And with that the meeting started. But Snowfall couldn't focus. She was thinking about Lynx. That stupid dragon with her stupid cute face and stupid look of understanding and how stupidly much Snowfall wanted to see her right now. After a minute of definently not major crushing Snowfall realized the council expected her to answer something.

"Ahem," said another dragon. This one was a male who had more light blue scales, "Queen Snowfall what are we going to do about the circles? We've been contemplating a team to help err spruce up the lower circle areas. We wanted to hear your thoughts."

"Of course," Snowfall responded a bit too quickly. And with that she was sucked into the council discussion. She'd have to save her completely platonic and not longing thoughts for later. 

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