The lost Continent

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((This was made before book 15 has been released so many things here are not close to cannon))

It had only been about three days since Lynx had left. Three agonizing, hot, wet, humid days. Just flying over the ocean. The hot, wet ocean. Lynx hated it in short. Hated, hated, hated it. Of course she would never say that. She needed to help the Silkwings and the Leafwings. It was her job. Snowfall was counting on her. Snowfall Needed her. That was one of the only things keeping her going. The only thing that kept her from asking for a break every five seconds. That stopped her from just falling in the ocean. It was the fact that Snowfall was waiting back home. Her Queen and her friend. Oh and all the silkwings and Leafwings and stuff.

"Hey I think I see it up ahead!" Called Qibli. He was up in the front. Of course. He was used to the hot weather. The humidity however had been taking a toll on him. He refused to admit it however. He was probably going for a similar reason as me. For the nightwing. Moon I think her name was. Of course he and winter were also very close so that could be it as well.

"I see it too!" Called another voice. This time behind Lynx. It belonged to sky she was pretty sure. The pale Skywing. The one without fire. Of course she didn't have fire either but she wasn't supposed to.

"HUSH UP! This is Supposed to be a Stealth mission. Wren scolded Sky. Her weird human accent made it a bit hard to tell what she was saying but Lynx thought she got most of it.

"This is it..." mumbled Luna.

Lynx turned towards what they all were looking at. And then she saw it. The lost continent. Huge and sprawling. It was magnificent. Of course there were no trees. Just as had been described.

"We're going to nose dive here. Head straight for the banks and Don't. Be. Seen," Sundew snapped back at us in a hushed whisper. Then she dove down towards the bank. The other pantalan  dragons followed. One by one landing by the banks. Lynx was the last to descend. Her light icy blue claws being a stark contrast to the yellow-green grass.

"Now just to find the Abyss..." mumbled Cricket.

"And save the world!" Sky replied seeming overly optimistic.

"And save the world..." Wren mumbled after him.

Saving the world... for everyone. Everyone could be saved. We just need to do our job right. How hard could it be..?

((Sorry it's so short again))

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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