chapter fifteen

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minho had stormed out of the cafeteria, jisung followed behind trying to get the attention of the male who was clearly irritated. "m-minnie, stop walking so fast! wait up!" although jisung called out, minho did not turn around nor slow down.

once the two had been walking for a short while, minho turned around and met eyes with jisung in the empty hall. "i don't think you understand, jisung. i feel so out of place because of you! you look at him like you're more than just friends and i can't fucking sit around and watch that. i'm not going to lose you. not now, not ever" jisung could tell minho was upset by his underlying tone of anger.

"minnie, please i promise it's you that i want, not him."

"really?! because it doesn't fucking seem like that." minho inched his way closer to jisung making the younger boy back away, but his back was soon met with the wall.

"minho, who's the one that i kiss? who's the one that i slept with? huh!? it's you, so stop worrying every little interaction i have with chan. want me to prove that i only want you? fine." jisung grabbed the strings of minhos hood pulling them until the older boys lips were pressed onto his. minho wanted to feel in control, and he took it by grabbing jisungs neck and pushing him back onto the lockers by the grip on his neck. jisung couldn't help but whine, minho looked so attractive when he had lustful anger in his eyes. minho once again smashed their lips together, not bothering to release his tight grip. jisung moaned onto the olders lips, loving the feeling of minhos veiny hands wrapped around him.

jisung love the way the older aggressively kissed him. just ignoring the fact it might be out of pure anger and possessiveness.

they kissed until they heard the footsteps of students flooding in.


seungmins pov;

what i saw next honestly scared me a bit.

minho had jisung pressed against the locker holding him there by his neck. it seemed as if he was maybe choking him? i'm not sure but that's what it seemed like.

i would have just left then, but i wanted to see if something else would happen.

something did.

it looked as if minho forcefully kissed jisung, not letting go of what seemed like a tight grip on his neck.

i'd seen enough, it concluded my suspicions that something was definitely off about minho.


third person pov;

the second half of the day passed by slower than expected, so much so, jisung actually fell asleep on the bleachers during gym class.

chan saw the boy knocked out on the bleaches and decided it was best to wake him up since the class had come to an end.

he set his had on the boys shoulder shaking him lightly. although, due to the fact his shoulders were now bruised even more from minho grabbing them on saturday and at lunch, jisung sat up quickly taking in a sharp breath to ease the sudden pain.

"woah jisung, are you alright? sorry i scared you" chan apologized.

"ah don't worry about chan, i'm alright."

he didn't call me channie..."alright we'll it's time to get home, so go get some proper rest, seems like you need it. text me when you get home, stay safe." chan ruffled the boys hair before waving goodbye.

"will do.. see you tomorrow!"


jisung was now headed out of the school, planning on taking the short route again. but, fortunately for him, minho waited for him at the front of the school.

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