Chapter 17

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Chase POV
I look at Rubble with happiness but then it went to shock really quick. He had bandage around his eyes. Then I remember Rage did that to him, he damaged Rubble's eyes. I got off of Marshall quick. Then Marshall went to Rubble.

Marshall: What are you doing I told you to stay in bed

Rubble: I won't until you guys stop fighting

Marshall: You need to rest your eyes won't heal until you do

Chase: Rubble oh my god are you alright

I tried getting close to him but Marshall block the way and push me back a little

Marshall: Stay Away he needs rest

Chase: I want to talk to him

Marshall: You don't get to

Chase: Why is that?

Marshall: I said so

Chase: I just want to know if he's ok

Marshall: Since when you care you lie-

Rubble: Marshall

Marshall then look at Rubble with a confused look. Looks like he was surprised by Rubble reactions.

Marshall: He lied to us Rubble

Rubble: I know that

Marshall: Then why you want to talk to him

Rubble: Because ignoring him is hurting me Marshall

Marshall: Your probably hurt somewhere on your body go rest up

Rubble: It's not my body that's hurts it my feelings, hearing you two fight I can't stand that

Marshall: You shouldn't forgive him he lied

Rubble: I know that he lied which hurt but ignore him, blocking him out from our lives is not gonna help

Marshall: It will help me

Rubble: Marshall

Marshall: He broke my trust a friend who feels like a brother, I thought brothers care about each other

I then started to tear up, wow I really broke Marshall. I keep forgetting he maybe be big but he has a good heart. I should of think more about how they feel instead of assuming. Marshall then walk and stand in front of Rubble.

Marshall: Not only your eyes could be permanently damaged and could never see I hurt Everest because I was focusing on hating Chase, I forgot about her now look she could die all because of him if he HADN'T LIE SHE WOULD BE-

Rubble stop him with a hug, he hug him tight with so much care. Marshall calm down a little but still look anger.

Rubble: It's not your fault

Marshall: Of course it's not it's Chase

Rubble: It's not your fault

Marshall: I know

Rubble: It's not your fault

Marshall: I know

Rubble: It's not your fault

Marshall: Stop It Rubble

Rubble: It's not you fault

Marshall: Don't Do This Rubble

Rubble: It's Not Your Fault

Marshall: Stop It

Rubble: It's Not Your Fault

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