Chapter 2. 🧡

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Peters POV •••

After school I was going to meet up with mj for coffee at the cafe and then we were gonna go to the movies.

But, a criminal showed up at the bank and mr. stark sent me to go take care of it.

After I finished catching the thief at the bank mj called.

Mj: " we're are you I've been standing at the cafe for over 30 minutes and you still haven't showed up?!"

Peter: " I'm sorry mj I got... caught up in something. I promise I'll be there in just a little bit"

Mj: " ive been waiting forever, We're are you?!"

Peter: " .... mj... it doesn't matter we're I was, all that matters is I get to the movies with you ok?"

Mj: " whatever Peter. I'll see you when you get here."

Peter: " I love you... I'll see you when I get there"

Mj: " I love you too..."

She hung up.

I felt really bad leaving her hanging but I had to catch that bad guy.

"Man it would be so much easier if I could just tell her.

Peter, no no. You can't beat yourself up like that. And besides, she can't know. If she does, she could be in huge danger."

After I went home really quick and changed, I went to the movies with Mj.

MJs POV •••

Peter finally decided to show up.

He's never on time for anything. If we try and go out, he's never there. Like last week, we were gonna go bowling and he never showed. Or like a few days ago, we went to go to the mall and what happened?? He never showed.

And the worst part about it is that he never tells me where he is. Its always " it doesn't matter" or, " I was busy"

It's starting to get old.

Peter: " hey 👋"

Mj: " ..."

Peter: " ok Mj I'm really sorry that I didn't show for the coffee but I'm here now"

Mj: " no Peter! Your Not here! Your never here! I always get everywhere we SAY we're gonna meet up and then you never show! I at least try and make this relationship work but you never put any effort into it at all!"

Peter: " Mj I'm really really sorry.."

Mj: " no Peter! If you were really sorry then you would tell me where you were today. Or where you were last week! Or where you were three day ago! It just gets old sitting around like a duck waiting for you when you never show! You know what, just forget the whole movie thing, I'm going home!"

Peter: " but Mj please wait..!"

Mj stormed off into her car and then drove away.
Peters POV •••

I felt really bad leaving her high and dry but it was worth at least putting a bad guy away, right???

I went over to stark tower since I wasn't going to the movies.

When I got there mr stark was working on something.

Peter: " hey mr stark. Watcha doin.."

Tony: " oh I'm just workin on something. How bout you kid?"

Peter: " well Mj hates me now because I didn't show for coffee and the movies. And the worst part is I can't even tell her where I was because... well I just can't."

Tony: " I know kid... it's not easy being a super hero but you gotta be able to handle your hero life, and your normal life.

It's like, ok look at it this way. You live a double life. It's not easy but you can handle it.

I know you can. I wouldnt have picked you to become an avenger if I didn't think you could." *winks*

Peter: " thanks mr. stark."

Tony: " your welcome kid. But, I will give you this one piece of advice. Don't make plans that you can keep.

Now, you go get some rest kid. I'll seya tomorrow"

Peter: " thanks mr stark I'll seya tomorrow."

Thanks everyone for all the support lots of luv! <3

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