Trespassing through the Fortress of Shadows

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Planet Popstar, Fortress

We then see the big Warp Star, Marx, and Gooey that were still flying high as Noire said.

Noire: I wonder if the fortress had a machine that could teleport us back home.

Magolor: Beats me, since this is the first time we're seeing a huge fortress that we don't know of.

Meta Knight: Kirby, can you start landing the Warp Star over there?

Kirby: Poyo.

Next, Kirby landed the big Warp Star towards the ground. As the big Warp Star landed on the ground, everyone hop off while Marx and Gooey landed on the ground and Noire said.

Noire: Huh? Why did you land us here?

Meta Knight: Because that fortress might have security cameras and we could get spotted. So it's best we walk on foot to get there.

Nepgear: I guess so. But hey, it's best we play it safe.

Uni: Agreed.

Neptune: Well if that's the case, let's get a move on right away!

Everyone: Right!

Kirby: Poyo!

And with that, they were now walking as they were heading towards the fortress without being spotted.

After five minutes have passed, they were now at the Gatehouse Road where the eleventh level begins.

(BGM: To the Land Where Grass Doesn't Grow - Kirby Star Allies)

Magolor: Okay, we should be going straight and hopefully making our way to the fortress.

Blanc: Let's hope so. 

Next, they were now moving forward as they encounter an enemy that Kirby and Bandana Dee recognized. This enemy is a floating, wizard-like enemy with a black cloak and hood. his hood has a golden eye-like design emblazoned on it, and has a golden ball attached to the hood's tip. Underneath the hood, a white, spherical head sporting a small grin is visible. His cloak features a golden stripe. His hands are white and float in midair, making them resemble the hands of Magolor.

 His hands are white and float in midair, making them resemble the hands of Magolor

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Neptune: Who's that fella.

Bandana Dee then started to write something and showed it to them which Nepgear reads.

Nepgear: That fella is NESP, one of Kirby's common enemies that he previously encounter.

Next, Kirby threw a Friend Heart on NESP turning him good. NESP is now wearing Kirby's ESP cap underneath his hood, with the brim pointing forward instead of backwards.

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