Chapter 4 (Revised)

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece.

Warning: This story does contain curse words! 

Sabo's P.O.V

              I sat up with a groan and I felt a laugh build up when I saw Ace glaring at nothing in particular. "They're here!" I heard Thatch exclaim excitedly which filled me with all kinds of hope. After another jolt of the ship Thatch turned to us with a smirk, "Told ya so!"

             Ace turned his glare to the pirate, but quickly averted his attention to the end of the hallway when the door burst open.  As footsteps approached I held Luffy's unconscious body close to my chest while Ace took a defensive position in front of us.

              The noble of this ship came stalking in with two guards trailing behind. They stopped in front of Thatch's cell. Thatch gave out a false smile as he addressed the men, "What can I do for you?" The noble snarled, "It's your fault we're getting attacked!" Thatch laughed obnoxiously before sneering, "What can you do? Send your lackeys to hurt me? I like to see you try."

             The noble smirked, "Oh I know for a fact we can't do anything to you, but one of my loyal guards had seen an interesting sight earlier. It seems you had a fun interaction with our resident trouble some brats." I froze in fear before I began to scoot as far as possible to the back so I could hide Luffy in the shadows. I saw Thatch tense as he spoke with the nobles. Ace stayed silent, but I saw him prepare for a fight.

             "What are you talking about? Have you seen how freaking dark these cells are? Your minions were making shit up to trick your ass into giving them more cash." Thatch said with a glare. I held my breathe praying that this was enough to make the noble leave. Another jolt rocked the ship reminding me that the ship was still under attack, I gently left Luffy on the floor and joined Ace.

             The noble let out a chuckle that left goosebumps running over my skin in disgust. "It doesn't matter because we are still going to teach those brats a lesson, and who knows maybe it'll teach you one." With that the two guards unlocked our door and approached with matching smirks on their faces. That's when Ace and I attacked together.

             Despite our best efforts the asshole guards managed to get a few hits in. I was bleeding from my lip and I was sure I was going to have a bruise on my left eye. Though I noticed Ace took most of the hits, which made my fists clench in fury as I realized he was doing so to protect me. As if I couldn't do it myself!

            Before the battle could get even more heated a guard was thrown violently in the hallway. This distracted the guards long enough for Ace and I to knock them out with their own weapons. The noble looked confused and beyond furious at his knocked out men. "You three brats will rue the day you messed with me! Do you even realize what I can do to you!? I bought you here and don't even think I can't buy you again! You haven't seen the last of me," the noble hissed as he "ran" from the area. I felt a strand of fear rush through my veins, although when I looked up at Thatch the man only looked proud and amused.

             I felt a pleased smile make its way to my face, but that was quickly wiped away when heavy footsteps approached with a sense of urgency. Ace and I immediately got into defense positions again. Thatch sighed before he stood up and called out to the stranger approaching, "Hey! Over here! There's three more brats here too and one of them needs serious medical attention!"

              When the owner of the footsteps came into view I saw a man with blond hair and blue eyes, but what really caught my attention was the fact that his head was shaped like a pineapple. He stared at us curiously before unlocking Thatch's cell door. "You get them and I'll make sure the way out is clear yoi." Thatch nodded before unlocking our cell while the strange man headed for the exit.

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