thirty two

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new years eve was the day the party was taking place, atsumu had text them the address and what time to arrive by, but the group turned up a little later than planned. komori had strategised to get there not too early as they didn't know as many people, so majority of the guest would of been too drunk to notice them.

which they all agreed on, as there was nothing worse than going to a party where you knew only a handful of guests. so hopefully if everyone was drunk they'd just believe they had seen them around and wouldn't question it.

so the three were now outside the house after having some pre drinks at the hotel, walking in to a dark room crowded with people they had never seen before. the music being played was extremely loud, and komori groaned at the sound as he hated the song what was playing.

"this is going to be shit i can tell by the music," komori said walking in.

"give it chance, it might just be one song," hanako justified the horrible musis, until the song ended and an even worse one played. "okay, who the fuck is atsumu friends with,"

"this is even worse than when motoya played pitbull for a month straight," sakusa said too not feeling the song.

"ahh, that was a good month," komori said sighing happily.

"i need a drink if i'm listening to this all night," sakusa said pushing komori forward.

the three made their way through the crowd, sakusa grabbing a hold if komori's shirt and hanako's dress so he didn't lose them in the crowd. going into the kitchen where they still couldn't find anyone they knew.

komori just went to the drink table and instantly started pouring them drinks from the alcohol he brought, mixing it with whatever was already out. the three taking their cups as they went to stand in a corner in the kitchen, feeling very out of place knowing no one.

"well, nights going well so far," hanako said sarcastically looking around.

"it's shit," sakusa said bluntly.

"oh wait, i see kita and aran," komori said waving to get their attention.

thankfully the two had noticed them, coming over smiling as they all greeted each other. finally someone they knew had shown up so they weren't completely alone.

"have you guys been anywhere in hyogo yet?" kita asked them.

"no, we only just got here yesterday, we haven't been able to go around yet," hanako told them.

"we ended up stranded at the miya residence too," komori informed them.

"oh, i know that feeling a little too well," aran said laughing.

"apparently we're going around the city tomorrow, hanako made an agenda of everything she wants to see," sakusa said looking at her.

"well yeah, otherwise we would walk around clueless, we need a plan," hanako defended herself and her list.

"hey!" atsumu shouted, appearing from no where obviously already very drunk. "this is akagi, it's his party!" atsumu shouted holding onto a boy with black spiky hair.

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