Chapter 9- please stay

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Chat noir POV-

I'm heading to Mari's house to check in on her. I feel guilty for what i've said. I should've been more careful around her since i now know that she's in love with me.

I plop down on her balcony, making a thump sound. I've been to her house so many times just for the hugs she gives me. I still can't figure out why though. But this time, it's different. Something is wrong with my princess and i'll try to cheer her up.

Opening the door i poke my head through and spot her cuddled up in blankets with her face turned away from me. There are tissues literally everywhere. uh, this is a bad sign.

"Hey Princess," i say with a smile on my face.

She turns around and that's when i see the redness in her eyes. Oh no. That look right there just broke my heart into pieces.

"What's wrong?" i saw, worry evident on my face.

She jumps up, runs up to me and hugs me. Warping her legs around me, while having her hands in my hair. I encircle my hands around her now way thinner waist.

"Have you been eating?" I say, worried if she hasn't been.

"Yeah, i have. Just not as much, since i don't have an appetite," she says into my neck.

"So, what's wrong princess?" i question, hoping it's not about me that's making her cry like this.

"Remember that boy i told you about?"

Well fuck me.

"Yes?" i say, urging her to continue.

"Well, he doenst exactly care about my feelings. He says and does stuff that makes me think that he sorta, maybe likes me. Then he calls me his friend. Just his friend. I understand if he just wants to be friends, i really do. But i just wish he would care about how i feel about the stuff he does that makes me fall in love with him all over again," she whispers, with a few sniffles here a there.

I'm such a bad person. I never once considered how she felt. Im not Chat when i do those stuff to her, i keep forgetting. She loves Adrien, not Chat. So why am i doing this to her?

"I'm so sorry princess," i whisper sadly, stroking her hair to calm down the sob that is gonna break out in any second.

"I just don't understand, have i done something wrong for him to do this to me? I'm just so tired," she says looking at me with her red bluebell eyes. The hurt that i see, makes me wanna go punch Adrien. Well me in the face.

"I'm so sorry Mari," i say putting her head back down into my neck and holding her tight.

"I'm sorry, i'm such a mess right now," she says while wiping her nose.

"It's okay. I'm here so you can rant to me all about how much you hate him," i grin at her.

"I could never hate him, even if i tried," she says quietly.

She's so precious. Why on earth did i hurt this girl?

"And why's that?" i question, tucking a strand of hair into her ear, since it was blocking my view on her gorgeous face.

"Because i know, he didn't do that intentionally. He's the kindest person i've ever met, and he wouldn't do that if he knew i love him. So i don't blame him," She shrugs like that fixes everything.

It doesn't. Nothing does.

"No, that's not an excuse. Don't make excuses for him just because you love him," i say softly to her.

She just shrugs, and puts her face back into my neck. I rub her back, soothing her from all the pain that i've caused her.

As i'm doing this i feel her lips brush against my neck.

Oh shit.

I squirm. Acting like nothing happened. She does it again. I don't think she notices that she's doing it.

And when she does it for the third time, that's when i say something that makes her blush hard.

"If you keep brushing your lips against my neck, i won't hold back from kissing you. Everywhere," i say into her ear.

"Well- uh, um, sorry?," she looks at me with her arms dangling over my Shoulders.

"Too soon?"

"Too soon," she nods.

"Sorry," i say looking down ashamed that i've said that when she's already heartbroken.

She brings her hand to my chin and lifts my head up.

"Hey, it's okay. Why don't we watch a movie?" she says having a slight smile onto her face.

"Sure, why not," i say putting her down into her bed.

She goes to get snacks while i choose the movie. I pick The Notebook.

"Why the notebook?" she questions after coming into the room.

I shrug. "I don't know. I've always wanted to watch it but didn't know who to watch it with," i reply. Grinning at her, I pat the spot next to me signalling her to sit there.

Instead, she runs and jumps onto me like i'm some been bag.

"Woah, slow down princess," i say laughing at her now straddling over me.

"Oh sorry, i was supposed to jump next to you," she replies getting off me. But i don't want her completely off so i grab her legs and throw them over mine. Getting comfortable with each other, we start the movie, attacking the snacks immediately.

"You feed me so well princess," i say with a mouth full of pastries.

"Your welcome kitty," she scratches my chin making me smile at her.

After the entire movie, the snacks where demolished,  Mari is sleeping on my shoulder, i'm tired as hell, and i'm scared the parents will come in any second.

I slowly get up, careful to not wake her up. I clean the mess and put everything in how it's supposed to be. Tucking her into bed i kiss her forehead.

"Goodnight Princess," I whisper. smiling at her cute sleeping face, i take a photo.

That's gonna be my lock screen for sure.

As i'm heading out, i hear hear call for me.

Aww, is she dreaming about me.

"Kitty, please don't leave me," she says, looking like she's on the verge of crying.

I quickly go back to her, and caress her face.

"I'm not going anywhere," i say getting into bed with her and holding her tight. She instantly clings onto me.

"please stay," she whimpers.

"I will, i will," i repeat, running my fingers through her hair and soothing her.

well, looks like i'm staying the night.

Wonder how that could go......

A/N: ndnfjdksksks OMG 130 READSSSS AHHHHH.
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