Chapter 4

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Me and Lily walked to the back of the the class room were we normally sat. Lily's boyfriend Tyler then came up to us. "Hey gorgeous." He says kissing Lily. I roll my eyes in disgust. "Jealous Devlin?" Tyler says smirking. "Of you? No." I say Tyler just walks away. "Why can't you guys just get along?!" Lily says. "Lily I am saying this as someone who has been in many relationships he's not good for you. He doesn't treat you right. The amount of times he's bailed on you to go to a stupid pub. You need to drop him." I say to Lily quite harshly. "I know..." Lily says upset. I hug her for a second comforting her.

Suddenly the room starts to fill up with loads of people and all you hear is "Hi", "Hello", "Morning". Our friend Emma comes and sits with us. "Have you heard about the new teacher." She says me and Lily both nod. "I can't wait to meet them!" Emma says too excitedly.

Just then the door swung open and a beautiful, gorgeous, magnificent man steps into the room. He had curly hair and gorgeous brown eyes. He wore a suitable yet hot outfit. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

 I couldn't take my eyes off him

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"I am Mr. Holland. Your new drama teacher. Now I am not one of those boring teachers that make you copy out of a textbook but if you mess around at all in one of my practicals then we will go straight to silence for the rest of the lesson." Mr. Holland says in a smooth hushed voice. "Now I will start with the registration, then we are going to go over my rules and how expect you to work. We will then go over you topics for the semester and everything you need to know about this class. Do you understand?" He says. The whole class nods.

'How can one be so hot' I thought to myself. I looked him up and down he was so mesmerising.

I was so trapped in my thoughts and stares so much I didn't hear him call my name on the register. "Y/N Devlin?" Mr. Holland repeats for the third time. "No Y/N Devlin." Mr. Holland says. Lily nudges me which finally knocks me out my trance. "What!" I say whispering. "He's been calling you're name for like five minutes." Lily says. "" I say embarrassed.

Mr. Holland stands up and looks to where I am sitting. "Learn from this girls mistake I will have no foolishness in my class. None at all so we answer the resister straight away in case there's a fire and so on so on." Mr. Holland says looking me directly in the eyes. I could've died on the spot there but I kept together. "Sorry..." I say in a whisper. Mr. Holland nods his head and then sits down.

After registration Mr. Holland turned the bored on and clicked a PowerPoint. The title read "My rules and expectations". "I expect you to leave my class room how you found it other wise you'll be issued an after school detention. I expect you to not mess around and if you do it will be textbook work for the rest of the class. If you do not behave in the groups for practicals I will be picking groups. Same for seating in here." Mr. Holland says reading off of the PowerPoint slide. After around 10 minutes he had gone through all his rules and expectations. "Now into your topics. You'll be doing crime and punishment, fame, acting. Role-play,beauty pageant and the emergency room." Mr. Holland says. I heard "yes" come from most people in the class. "Glad you approve." Mr. Holland says smiling at the class.

Class soon came to an end at 11:20am. Now it was time for a lecture...great. Me and Lily walked out the class together, lucky for me I had half my classes with her and the other half with Chase. "I really liked him, he's nice." I say happily. "Yeah only cause you have the hots for him." Lily says nudging me sarcastically. "I do not!" I say defensively. "Mhm." Lily says. We both begin to giggle.

Me and Lily make it to our English lecture on time. We are sat there for around an 1 and a half. Only 30 minutes to go. "Have we got anything after this?" I ask Lils. "No we are off for the rest of the day luckily." Lily says I smile.

The 30 minutes were up quicker then I expected. Me and Lily made our way out of the hall pretty quickly we then walked out of the building and over to Dormitory Block. Once we got there we began to make our way up the stairs. It was a workout and a half. We finally got to our dorm room. When we entered the dorm Chase was getting ready to leave. "Bye Chase." I say giving him a hug, he accepted and squeezed me a little to much. Lily proceeded to do the same as me as well. Without another second to spare Chase left the dorm. "Are you gonna break up with Tyler?" I ask. Lily just shrugs. "Look there are far more better people in this school that you can date. People like Chase who are gentle, caring and are actually nice." I say to Lily, she nods in agreement. "I guess.." she says grabbing her phone out her pocket. She begins typing away. I hear the send sound come from her phone. I look over at her. "Done." She says with a bit of relief and sadness.

That is the end of the chapter.
I hope you are enjoying it so far
More coming tomorrow
Bye ily 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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