Chapter 3

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The two gingers grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hallway. I looked into the open door and saw people having a meeting. I lingered around for a minute staring at all the people.

"Are you coming?" They asked. "Oh uh... Yea." I followed them up the winding stairs. I shoved my hands in my pockets. I'm socially awkward, so I just looked down and followed quietly. "Hermione get Crookshanks to shutup!" I heard a voice yell. "It's not my fault!" She yelled back. They all climbed up the stairs. The twins pulled out a string with an ear on the ends.

They tried to listen in on the conversations, but the cat, I guess was named crookshanks, Ripped off the ear. "Crookshanks! No!" A bushy haired girl yelled. I followed around quietly, not knowing what to do. Finally the girl introduced me to everyone. I learned everyone's names. It was soon time for bed so I followed Harry and Ron into the room they were sharing.

I slept in a cot in the corner. Harry had a hearing earlier in the morning, something about being expelled. He didn't say much about it.

I woke up to hear shuffling around, Harry was gone and Ron was getting up. "Better get up now before breakfast is gone." He said. I'm not really used to eating breakfast, sleep just sounded so good still. I shook my head and rolled over. "Imma sleep..." I mumbled. I never ate much anymore, mostly because I was never fed much.

"Suit yourself." Ron said and left. I slept all the time back at my old house. Mostly to avoid-. I don't really want to talk about it anymore.

I soon fell asleep.

***************later that day

Someone knocked on my door loudly. "Jayden get up you are riding the train with the others!" Severus called towards me.

"Huh? - yea okay." I mumbled and sat up.

I got my stuff together in a suitcase Severus gave me. It had my initials on the front and the Hogwarts logo by it. I carried it and put my wand in my pocket. I wore a simple black t-shirt with black skinny jeans.

I fixed my hair and made sure my penny board was in my suitcase. It means a lot to me.

Flash back**************

My twin brother, Beck laid on the floor, blood spilling out of his stomach.

"You're okay, See you're okay I promise, you aren't going to die on me!!!" I said in hysterics.

I pulled my shirt off and wrapped it on his stomach. "Jay-Jayden It's no use, I'm going to die." He choked. "No! You can't leave me here with him please!" I held him, blood getting all over my shirt. "You'll be okay, get out of this place for me, get away from Drake and live a happy life." He smiled at me.

"Don't go please!" But he was already gone. I felt the tears go down my face faster then before. My sadness now replaced with anger I walked into the Drake's bedroom.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!??!" I tackled him and started throwing punches and the man who killed my brother. "Oh- wha? Oops." He slurred, drunk. I clawed at him and punched and kicked before he passed out I yelled, "YOU SICK DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING." I spat on his face.

I walked over to get my belongings and the last thing I grabbed was Beck's penny board.


I shook my head violently, to forget my past. That's the only thing left I had of Beck's, the penny board. He paid for it with his own money, and named it Sophie.

I walked down the steps with my suitcase in hand, people waiting at the from door. We arrived at kings cross station. Everyone started running through the barrier. "Just run the train is on the other side." Hermione informed me. I nodded and ran, flinching before I hit the wall, but the impact never came. I looked around at the Hogwarts train smiling. Beck would have loved this.

They led me to a compartment and the put my luggage away. "When we get there, you have to change into your robs." Hermione instructed me. We all sat together, it was awkward. Harry told them about the hearing and I didn't say a word. We soon arrived to Hogwarts

We walked towards the carriages. A huge dragon type thing was pulling them. "What's that?" Harry pointed to it. "What's what?" Hermione asked. "That thing pulling the carriage." He said.

"The carriage is pulling itself...just like always."

"I see it too." I said. I heard a small voice behind us. "Me too. You're just as sane as I am." A girl smiled.

Harry shook his head and climbed in the carriage. Followed by the rest of us. "Everyone this is Luna Lovegood." He said. "Uhrm.. Hi." Ron squeaked.

A boy holding a weird cactus/plant held it closer to him.

We finally arrived to the castle which was huge. We stepped inside and sat down at a table. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do so I sat down with them. "Go see Dumbledoor after this to figure out what house you'll be in... Unless they call your name now." Hermione said.

And sure enough after all the first years went, The called me up.

"Jayden Snape." Gasps were heard around the room as I stood up and walked to the three legged stool. "I sat down and the hat was placed on my head.

"Hmmm, a tough one this one! Maybe I'll put you in Ravenclaw..? No no that won't do, your intelligent, but I see something more than that. Cunning..? You could be a great Slytherin. No absolutely not, you are like your dad but... I think you could go better in GRIFFINDOOR!" The crowd clapped and I walked towards the table and took my place once again. "Congratulations!" Harry told me. I nodded. "Thanks."

I looked at Severus, to see him frowning at me. I looked away quickly as Dumbledoor spoke. Soon enough another teacher went up to the podium. She was dressed in pink and had a sickly sweet voice. She had this long speech about a bunch of crap I didn't care to know about.

The entire student body looked bored. "Is she alway like this?" I whispered towards Ron. "I don't know she's new."

I groaned quietly. After what seemed forever she finished and we were dismissed. I followed the boys to the Griffindoor common room and they gave me a bed. "You can have that one." Harry pointed to where my stuff was. "Do you have any pets?" He asked me. I nodded, "An owl."

"She is going to be up in a tower with all the other owls."

I nodded and went into the bathroom to change into pajamas. Just simple pajama pants and a white shirt. I don't sleep without a shirt because I'm insecure of scars and things...

As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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