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Adu Du: Hahahahaha, I have you now.

Boboiboy: Let her go Adu Du! (Demand)

Fang: What do you want with her? You square head.

Adu Du: oh nothing (grin) I just want Elbot and Tok Aba Koko that's all. Hehehe (evil smile)

Tok Aba: I'll give you my koko just let Kai go. (Worried tone)

Boboiboy: Don't give it to Adu du Tok Aba, he will not let Kai go just like that.

Elbot: I'll go with you.

ElBot say all of sudden.

Fang: Don't do what Adu Du said! He's just trying to trick you. (Glaring at Adu Du)

Elbot: I don't care! Even if it's only a trap, if there's any chance that is Kai save I'll take it. Kai is not just my friend anymore she is my family.

Ochobot: ElBot. (Sad tone)

Adu Du: Hahahaha, that's right. Come here ElementBot and I will let this girl go.

ElBot start to float toward Adu Du, Boboiboy and Fang can move from where they're standing or Kai will be crush.

Kai: I'm glad that you think we're family. (Mutter to herself, barely audible to anyone)

Adu Du: Ha~? What did you just said? If you have any last word then say it louder. (Laughing evilly)


As Kai said the word, Probe and Adu Du were shocked with a very High Electricity and Probe let go of Kai.

Boboiboy: W-What?!!!

Fang: Wow!!

Kai: ElBot you don't need to listen to Adu Du, no matter who or what try to harm my friends or family I will fight them all  and protect it at all cost. (Smile like Natsu)

Adu Du: Ouw, how dare you shock me and ruin my plan!

Boboiboy: Heh, now it's your turn Adu Du. (Summon Lightning Sword)

Fang: (Shadow Energy ready)

Kai: Wait, I can handle this. (Evil Smirk toward Adu Du)

Adu Du: Probe launch all the missile!

Probe: Roger Mr. Boss! (Launching all laser n missile toward Kai)

Kai: Heh (Smirk) EARTH BARRIER!!

Adu Du: What?!

Kai: My turn. Flash Step.

Kai disappeared and...

Adu Du: W-Where is she?!!!

Kai: (Appeared behind Adu Du and Probe) Hey.

Adu Du: AAAAAHHH!!! Probe shot her now. (Panic)

Probe: I can't Mr. Boss we're out of ammo.

Kai: Bye (Smile Evilly) GIANT WATER SLAP!!!

Giant hand made of water appeared then slap both of them and they were sent flying again. Kai have unlocked a new Element.

ElBot: Kai! (Run/float toward Kai and into a hug) I was so worried.

Kai: Hey don't worry, you know I'm strong and that i will not leave you. Ever. (Give ElBot reassuring smile)

ElBot: Yeah. ^_^

Tok Aba: Kai, are you ok? Did you get hurt? (Worried+bit panic tone)

Kai: Hahaha, I'm fine Tok Aba. See (raise right arm) no injury or scratch. 😄

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