Chapter 1

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Jake's POV

It all started in first grade. I was never the normal kid. I was the outcast and never knew why. I wish that someone would tell me why though. that's besides the point. I always knew that I was gay even from a young age. it's different now I'm scared to tell my parents and friends. My parents are Christian so I don't think they will like it and my friends hate gays. There's a guy that has cached my eye a couple of times. His name is Luke and he's the cutest thing ever. He has bright blue eyes and has his lip pierced. I think he has dimples when he smiles but I never really noticed them. Oh and did I say that he sits alone because his mates go to a different school. His mates names are Ashton, Calum, and Michael. They have a band together it's becoming very popular but no one talks to him. I think that people think he's a dick or something.
"Jake stop looking at Luke like you want to fuck him." said Emma
"Shut up I'm not gay." I lied.
"Yeah ok whatever you say." Then hits my arm.
Then the bell rang which ment I get to go home now. "Yesss" I say really loud and everyone looked at me really weird. I got really confused but then I realized that I said that out loud. My friends just stared at me. Then said "lets go Mr.Happy pants." I just flipped them off and started towards the door when I bumped into Luke. I automatically said "sorry" but the weird thing was we said it in unison. We just stared at each other and laughed.
Luke's POV
I could feel a pair of eyes on me the whole time I was siting at the empty lunch table. I didn't looked up though I couldn't risk getting another beating that day. The bell rang and I got my stuff and got up. As I was walking I bumped into Jake. I automatically said sorry but we said it in unison it was creepy and it went silent. Then we just laughed at ourselves. His eyes were the most beautiful green ever. Luke stop thinking like that. He's probably straight and doesn't like you at all,But there is always that chance that he could be a little bit gay. That chance was very small though because I think he would have came out by now. We just kind of looked at each other but not in a awkward way in a nice way. It ended by his friend saying come on mate we need to go my mom will be mad if I'm late again. So we said bye and then we went our different ways. I had detention to go to for being late to class 4 times.

Authors note
Hey guys I hope you liked it this is my first fan fiction so if you have any ideas for me please let me know I hope you are having a good night/day. 😊😺

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