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This time, everyone seemed more terrified than ever before. The only person keeping a straight face was, as usual, Kokichi. He seemed used to this kind of thing, as if he were born ready.

"Now that this room is locked", Monokuma giggled, placing a hand over his mouth. "I'll be taking attendance. It's getting late, so the trial will commence tomorrow. I can't believe someone had the nerve to commit a murder during a party, so inconsiderate. And now I have to go find hot stuff's body, aka Rantaro. Anyway, is Shuichi here?"

After 20 minutes of trying to figure out where half of the people were, Monokuma finally finished taking attendance; an odd silence drifting through the room when he called Rantaro's name.

"Now that that's done, I guess I'll walk you all to your rooms. This just got really awkward. Please, try to get a good night's sleep, I'll see you tomorrow at the food court".

Monokuma led the group to the entrance of the furniture store, then walked off; leaving the startled "shoppers" alone in the darkened hall.

"So, I guess this is a good night?", Kirumi asked quietly, wringling her hands.

"Yeah, I guess it is", Himiko replied, just as softly. "See you guys in the morning".

The group muttered in agreement, then a few people walked into their rooms. Mizu was about to lay down on the couch when she noticed Keebo standing at the door of Rantaro's room, motionless. He seemed, almost sad. She couldn't just leave him there, but a part of her was confused. Robots don't have feelings, do they? He's an AI, unable to process emotions like anger and grief; yet there he was, mourning the death of his new friend.

Mizu quietly stood up and walked over to the quiet robot, then softly tapped his shoulder. Keebo turned around and stared at her.

"I'm sorry about Rantaro, I know you two were pretty close. If you ever want to talk, I'm here you know. There's always extra room on the couch".
The robot smiled at her fondly, then glanced back at the door.

"-It's funny, because I know that I've lost someone important to me, but I can't feel what you feel when you lose someone close to you. It's an odd feeling, like something's missing, but you can't put it into words. It's a bit lonely, yet confusing all at once-".

Mizu pondered that for a moment. He did miss Rantaro, in his own, robotic way. But explaining it was difficult. She had read somewhere that robots could mimic human emotions like joy and anger, but nowhere had she read that robots could mimic grief.

"I see. Well, you're somewhat lucky that you don't have to feel the grief that comes with losing someone. Even if I don't remember myself, hearing about Rantaro's death triggered some sort of memory. Perhaps I know that feeling of grief, or I might have experienced it myself. I know the feeling hurts, it's almost like being punched in the gut over and over again while someone's screaming all sorts of negativity in your ears. At least you're spared from that pain".

Keebo seemed to be processing her description of grief. She wished she was that lucky.

"-So that's what grief feels like. Although he is gone, I do feel that it is important to keep moving on. I know in my heart he wouldn't want us to give up. Even if I do miss him terribly, I'll keep living on. For Rantaro, and for everyone else in this mall. His death won't be in vain. I think I'm starting to understand how human emotions work and impact our daily lives a lot better now, Mizu. Thanks for the help, I better be off. Good night-".

Keebo smiled once more at her, then retired into Rantaro's room.

Yawning, Mizu walked towards the couch. Someone had the nerve to turn off the lights while there were still people awake. The only light on was the kitchen light where a few people were whispering to one another.

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