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+Super efficient, I'm going omniscient+ For lack of a better rhyme, I'm sorry :(

Kokichi glanced back and forth between Mizu and the stool. He wasn't sure what to say. What could he say? There was nothing in this world that he could say that would clear up what he was trying to do.
Hesitantly, Kokichi placed the rope on the stool beside him and cautiously approached her.

How do I begin?

"I w-was, well, uh- I don't know how to tell you", he whispered at last. "It's not something I'd want to say aloud, either".

Mizu seemed quite skeptical at his odd response, yet said nothing. She seemed lost in thought, her mind jumping from one thought to the next, almost like a dance. At last she spoke, her words seeming to be carefully chosen.

"Kokichi, I'm not sure if this is what I think it is, but I'm not going to make any assumptions. Monokuma's showing everyone to their rooms, which is a bit strange since this is a mall, but I'm not about to question that. Anyway, Kirumi wanted me to fetch you".

"Fetch me? You mean, like a dog?", he spat.

Mizu shook her head. "What- of course not! Oh, and Keebo's sorry for the whole rocking thing. So are you coming or not?"

Kokichi shook his head. "I can find my own way back. You go right ahead".

"No, Kokichi. You are coming with me", she insisted. "Now let's go!"

"No thanks. Have a good one".

He turned around and began to tie the rope up, ever so carefully. He could hear the soft tap of Mizu's foot against the ground, her eyes drilling a hole in the back of his head.

Adjusting the knot a bit more, the sound of the taps against the floor faded, then proceeded to sound heavier and closer. Turning around, a pair of arms snaked their way around his waist and lifted him off the ground, earning a shriek. The small grape squirmed in her grasp, clawing his way out of her iron-like grasp, kicking and flailing his limbs about.

"Let me go! What's the matter with you people? The minute you see someone who's not even two inches shorter than you, you have to pick them up like they're a tiny plushie! I could sue you!"

"Yeah, save it tiny", she snorted. "I asked you politely, and now it led up to this. You're pretty light".

"This is illegal! Put me down or you will suffer the wrath of Ouma Kokichi! I'll call my lawyer and he'll make you pay, now put me down!"

Mizu ignored his cries and threats, carrying him down the corridor, following the crumb trail that lay on the ground.

Kokichi's blood was boiling, yet it gave him a chance to think. Who could he trust? He would need to sort things out in his room, figuring out who he could rely on, and who was a big no-no. However, Monokuma did say trust no one, but he knew there were a few people here that he could trust, but not much. He did trust Himiko a bit, and Shuchi, but that was about it. Everyone else wasn't worth his trust.

At least not yet. And then there was this Mizu.

Boy, did he not trust Mizu. She was an "alright" companion, but there was something about her that screamed "danger". He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he didn't trust her. Even so, she would make quite a good pawn. Her and Gonta.

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