Chapter 11

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Your POV:
"Come in." I called out.

The door opened to reveal Megumi with not a single scratch on him. I assume Shouko healed him then. He came in my dorm and closed my door, walking up to me and sitting down beside me.

"I have so many questions right now." Was the first thing he said.

"Okay 1, please lower the volume. I have a headache. And 2, what do you wanna know?" I reply.

"S-sorry. Since when could you teleport?" He asks.

"Today. It's not something I knew I could do." I reply.

"You've never tried before?" He asks me.

"Nope. It would come in handy." I reply.

"Good point. Why'd you come here?" He asks.

"First place I thought of. And I didn't want to go to Shouko." I comment.

"Why not?" He asks.

"I don't like hospitals." I say in a hushed tone.

"You don't?" He asks.

"No. They just seem like places that welcome death. It's where people go to die and well I just don't like them from past experience." I reply.

I could tell he wanted me to explain but he also didn't want to push me.

"Where's your first aid kit?" He asks.

"In the kitchen cabinet next to the sink." I say, getting up to go and get it before being pulled back down gently.

"I'll get it." He says.

There was an obvious blush on his face but I ignored it. He came back with the first aid kit and set it down before heading back to my kitchen to grab a damp cloth to clean the blood from my face and head.

"This might sting." He says.

"Ouch." I say when he starts cleaning off the blood.

"Hold still or I won't get it off." He sternly says.

I shrink back and just let him do it even though it was painful. (God that would sound wrong if you took that out of context)

"I was probably only 13 or 14 at the time." I start.

"Huh?" He says, confused.

"Just... hear me out." I say.

He listens as I continue talking.

"I must've been 13 or 14 years old. I was on a mission with Sensei at the time and we were fighting a curse. I ended up in the hospital because of injuries I got and I almost died. I'd lost a lot of blood and I still have the scars. I think I was out for almost a week and it was the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. And that's why I don't like hospitals." I explain.

"Y/N. I didn't mean to pry." He says.

"It's fine. I trust you. Just promise me you won't take me to Shouko. I don't want to stay there again." I say, averting eye contact.

"You know, I think this is one of the only times you've never been cold to me." He wittily comments.

"You choose now to bring this up?" I sigh in annoyance.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"Not your fault." I reply.

"Alright. Then you're resting here." He says.

"I wasn't planning on doing anything else." I say.

"Besides, I have a headache so I'm not gonna do anything else." I add on.

"Did you want some headache tablets?" He offers.

"I should be fine." I say.

"Thank you, Megumi." I say out of nowhere.

"Huh? What for?" He says, taken aback a little.

"For being here for me. Now and before. Well, twice before." I explain.

"You don't have to thank me." He says, hiding a blush.

"Oh I was meaning to ask what Mai meant." He says, changing the topic.

"About my family wanting me gone? Well I explained before, right? My family don't approve of me being against their traditions. So they are going to do everything in their power to make sure Rika and Kyoto win the Event. And targeting me is something they're going to do." I explain.

"Do you have a counter plan?" He asks.

"Well, Sensei is already aware and I don't really need one. There isn't really anyone to worry about. Minus Todo. I can hold my own against everyone else. But, there's a chance I'll have a handicap that I'll also work around." I comment.

"So you're thinking you can't use your katana?" He asks.

"Yeah. Also, you're the only one minus me who calls it that. Everyone calls it a sword. Either that or no cursed energy. But I don't intend on keeping up that agreement. I'll agree but only on the surface. I can summon a circle that can store weapons if need be." I explain with a smirk.

"You've really thought this through." He says, sounding impressed.

"Not really. It's sort of a no-brainer what I'm doing. Anyone would." I say.

"Anyway, you should get some rest. The event is tomorrow." He says.

"Yeah I should, shouldn't I?" I say, rubbing the nape of my neck.

"Make a deal with me." He says out of nowhere.

"What?" I say, not understanding.

"If you're not healed enough to fight tomorrow let Shouko heal you. If you're tired after you can just sleep in your dorm or in the lounge area." He offers up.

"I counter. As long as Shouko comes to me. That's the only way I'm agreeing." I offer.

"I'll try and get her to agree to it. If not I'll get Sensei to get her to agree. Everyone wants you at the Event. After today, I'm sure they're more than happy to have you as back-up." He praises.

"Are you praising me now? You're aware I was holding back against Todo, right. On purpose." I smirk.

"So was I. I noticed you only summoned one Shikigami. Was that to hide the fact you're superior to Rika?" He asks.

"Superior is going far. To hide the fact I can summon both. My family don't know how many Shikigami I can summon because I left before they could find out. Which was why I only summoned the one I knew Rika could use." I say.

"Clever. But now they know you can teleport." He counters.

"Nah. They'll assume it's a fluke. They'll ask Rika and she'll say no one in her family can teleport. It's not possible. Which would be true. She wouldn't be lying. Except I can and I don't know how." I reply.

"Maybe it was to do with the shadows and the sun. You said your technique is fire orientated. So maybe it had something to do with the sun. So your family wouldn't have even thought of it." He offers.

"How do we test it?" I ask.

"The only way would be to test it at night when there's no sun at all." He says.

"Good point." I reply.

"Anyway, you sleep. I'll sort everything else out." Megumi says.

"Alright. Thank you again." I say.

"Sure. Rest up." He says as he leaves.

I slowly felt a blush creep up to my cheeks. Megumi Fushiguro. What are you doing to me?

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