Gotham lights

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A/N: sorry guys I've been so busy with work I haven't had time to update, I don't have time to edit since I only have a few hours to sleep but thanks so much for the support 💕 ~ King

This was the worst date they'd ever been on

Not to any fault of theirs

But randomly getting attacked might make you come to that conclusion

It was the legion, now lead by Damian's foul mother

Jon was thankful for his powers because without them, he'd have been dead by now

It was hard for Jon to warp his head around.

A mother intent on murdering her child

But Damian was too skilled
And having a superhuman by his side didn't hurt his chances

There were many, they were starting to get over run

When a large shadow came swooping down on the group.


Damian looked slightly displeased at his father, like he had taken his challenge away

Jon started to notice the other residents of the bat family come out of the shadows

Damian didn't seemed surprised at all.
He almost looked annoyed, like he was dealing with a hovering family, instead of assistances with a group of deadly assassin's

Batman surprisingly moved through the crowd, and they let him through.

To the hooded figure watching from the shadows

" Mother"
Damian said with disgust

He held his composer so well, but Jon thought he had to be scared

It was like a war had paused

The bat boys and jon stood in one group, the assassin's in another.

And they were all still and silent as batman walked to Thalia

From what he could tell Bruce looked about as happy as his son to see her

Their faces looked so similar set in the same scowl

They were pretty far away, superboy wasn't sure anyone else could hear them besides himself

Batman growled

She smiled at him stalking closer

" Beloved"

Jon flinched at the name, it's what Damian called him
He was used to hearing it with so much love, she said it with posion in her charming voice

It really wasn't hard to see what made Damian's apprence so beautiful

Both of his parents were stunning people

Thalia and Damian had the same beautiful jade eyes

Though they were the same color, her's were nothing like Dami's

He shivered at those dead eyes and reached for Damian's hand

He wasn't sure if he'd take it, in front of the legion, his mother, the enemy's

In Damian's eyes wasn't that weakness?

But he did in fact take the other boy's hand

His expression didn't change but his hold was firm
Maybe he needed this too

Bruce grabbed Thalia by the arm

The legion moved but she raised a hand to stop them

She smiled up at Bruce
And Jon couldn't tell if the same was fake happiness or pure evil

The Fear of touching you  ( Damian X Jon) Where stories live. Discover now