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It was a week after the dance and the gang was sitting on the dock skipping stones. "The key is to get a little spin on it," Butch bragged. He threw a stone and it skipped seven times. "Beat that!" He exclaimed in a triumphant voice. "I will!" Boomer exclaimed. He grabbed a rock and threw it on the lake, but it sunk the second it hit the water. "Damn it!" Boomer exclaimed. Brick rolled his eyes and grabbed a stone. He threw it on the lake and it skipped ten times. "Beaten," He said nonchalantly while sitting back down next to Blossom. "How?!" Butch exclaimed. Blossom smirked and grabbed a stone. She calculated the perfect angle and threw it. It skipped so far, that after a while they couldn't even see it anymore. She sat back down next to Brick and tapped her finger on his nose while saying, "Beaten." He blushed like crazy. Just then, Ms. Nicole called everyone to the Quad. Everyone sat down and saw a red-headed boy and a blonde girl standing next to her. "Everyone, this is Dexter and DeeDee. They will be campers here at Bright Oak. I want you all to give them a big warm welcome," Ms. Nicole announced. Brick noticed Dexter was staring at Blossom the entire time and tightened his grip around her waist. Everyone got up and began going back to whatever they were doing. Suddenly, Dexter walked up to them. "Greetings," He said while waving at Blossom. "Hi," Blossom replied. "What is your name?" He asked. "My name is Blossom," Blossom answered. "And who is he?" Dexter asked in an annoyed voice. He glared at Brick and Brick glared back. "This is my boyfriend, Brick," Blossom introduced. "Your boyfriend?!" Dexter exclaimed. Just then, DeeDee butted Dexter out the way. "OMG! You're Brick Jojo from the RowdyRuff boys! I remember watching you guys on the news! You guys are so cool! My name is DeeDee! DeeDee McPherson!" DeeDee exclaimed while talking really fast. Brick was a little confused but said, "Uh yeah. That's me." "This is my boy genius brother, Dexter! Ignore his horrible people skills. He doesn't come out of his lab very much. Mom and Dad said we needed to get out more. So here we are!" DeeDee exclaimed very fast again. "DeeDee! You don't need to tell them our life's story!" Dexter exclaimed while getting up. DeeDee rolled her eyes and ran off to do who knows what. "Back to what we were talking about, yes this is my boyfriend Brick," Blossom continued. "I thought you two hated each other?" Dexter asked. This guy's questions are getting on my nerves. Brick thought. Just then, Bubbles ran over and interrupted. "Blossom! DeeDee brought candy! The really expensive kind! Come on!" Bubbles grabbed Blossom by the wrist and dragged her over to DeeDee who was handing everyone out candy. Brick just completely walked away from Dexter. If he had a choice not to talk to that guy, he would take it, and he did.


A few weeks later, Dexter and Blossom got really close, but Brick didn't mind. He trusted Blossom and knew that Dexter didn't stand a chance anyway. Blossom and Dexter were sitting on the docks talking about quantum physics and movies. "I think Ant-Man handled quantum physics relatively well. And they executed it in a way where people who don't know about it can understand," Blossom stated. "Hey Blossom, I've been meaning to ask you," Dexter started. Blossom looked at him confused. "What do you see in Brick?" Blossom was shocked by his question and more importantly, insulted. "What is that supposed to mean?!" Blossom exclaimed. She couldn't believe one of her friends would ask such a question. "I mean you and him have nothing in common. You're good, he's evil. You're smart, he doesn't really care. You're pretty, he's not that good looking. You're contradicting personalities can result in disaster," Dexter stated. "And you're insisting I be with who? You?" Blossom asked in a furious tone. "Yes," Dexter answered. "First off: You have no authority to tell me who you think I would be good with or have the authority to ask me what I see in my boyfriend! Second off: Opposites attract, genius! Magnets, electrons, protons, yin, and yang! Third off: You are horrible for trying to get me to LEAVE my boyfriend for you! Don't talk to me anymore Dexter! We're no longer friends!" Blossom exclaimed. She stood up, grabbed her things, and walked away from the docks and Dexter, who was just sitting there dazed. Blossom walked to her cabin crying and Brick happened to walk by while she was opening the door. "Babe? What's wrong?" Brick asked while walking up to her on her cabin's porch. Blossom sniffled and wiped away her tears. "Dexter tried to convince me to leave you for him. I yelled at him to leave me alone and walked over here. I thought he was my friend," Blossom cried into Brick's chest. Brick gave her a tight hug and stroked her hair. He's dead. Brick thought. "I'll be right back, Babe," Brick told her and he let Blossom go. He walked over to the docks and saw Dexter reading. He lifted up Dexter by his shirt. "You made Blossom cry," Brick growled. "It was her fault! I made a simple suggestion and she freaked out!" Dexter frantically defended. "For a boy genius, you're pretty stupid," Brick growled. Brick wound up his fist and was getting ready to punch Dexter in the face when a familiar voice told him, "Brick, put him down." Brick turned around and saw Blossom standing there. "But he-!" "I know what he did. And while I would like nothing more than him to be punched in the face, you have one strike left. You could get kicked out of camp," Blossom interrupted. "Worth it," Brick growled while winding up his fist again. "If you get expelled from camp, we won't be able to spend the rest of the summer together," Blossom pointed out. She makes a good point. Brick thought. He sighed and dropped Dexter. "Do it again, and I break you in half," Brick threatened Dexter in a dark voice. Dexter nodded his head 'yes' in fear and Brick smirked. Brick walked away from Dexter and over to Blossom. "You're so cute when you're jealous," Blossom snickered. She pecked Brick on the cheek and they walked over to the Foxes cabin to hang out.


𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏, 𝐩𝐩𝐠 𝐱 𝐫𝐫𝐛Where stories live. Discover now