Part 5

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Y/n ooooh heyyy we still in lock down
Bokugo yeah but I don't think it will be that much longer
Y/n ok can I take a shower
Bokugo I don't give a fuck
You get up and walk over to the bathroom and look at what he has in his shower for hair you look over and see men's dove shampoo and conditioner 2 in one you were disappointed in him he could do better you take of you close and get in the shower you use the dove soap at least it smelled good

You grab the soap and drop it makings a load banging noise bokugo heads and runs in to see if your ok you scream he get all red
Y/n get out omg
Bokugo: sorry
He runs out covering his face omg you couldn't believed that happened you start to get red you finish you shower and put clothes on you. You walk out of the bathroom trying not to make eye contact with bokugo.

Ten mins pass you on your phone
Bokugo: sorry y/n I thought you got hurt
Y/n ok just This once I'll forgive you
A voice on the loud speaker came on lockdown is over you can leave your dorms
Y/n: ok bye bokugo I'm going to go back to my
You walk out of his dorm and go to yours when you get to yours you put on so close and put bokugos clothes in the washer you lay on you bed and think about what happened what he could have saw you blush and scream into a pillow

Later Mina knocks on you door you got a
Mina you got a bathing suit
Y/n yeah why
Mine because we are going to the beach
You get excited and go put on a pink bikini and a grey sweat shirt over top you and Mina walk to the beach it wasn't far.

You get there and lay towels out and a color out under a umbrella Minas phone starts buzzing
Mina the boys are here
Boys you look and see them walking to you guys you see bokugo walk beside them

You get there and lay towels out and a color out under a umbrella  Minas phone starts buzzing Mina the boys are here Boys you look and see them walking to you guys you see bokugo walk beside them

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Bakugo x y/n Where stories live. Discover now