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Nervous wasn't even the word I was feeling right now, it was more like ANXIETY.

"Baby calm down she's gonna love you."

"You're just saying that." I sighed, we've been together almost five months and I have yet to meet his mother. His mother and I talk on the phone frequently, but the business of the job prevented us from visiting her. She lives in Florida, and since it's spring break for the girls, Morris decided to take some time off so his mother and I could finally meet.

"You're over thinking this. Everything will be fine." I nodded pecking his lips and pulling away before things got heated. He and I haven't even had sex yet and I could tell he was getting frustrated. I wanted to see where his relationship was going, before I went there with him.

"Mommy are we almost there?" Ariela asked exhausted.

"Yeah we're almost there." I thought that we should drive there, but of course Morris insisted we take his private jet. I was apprehensive because I've never did anything this luxurious, and I didn't know how Ariela would react. Surprisingly, she wasn't as scared as I thought she would be so I was thankful for that. We were currently in a rental car driving to his mother's house for the cookout she was throwing for us.


"Wow." Was the only word that came out of my mouth as we pulled up to his mom's beautiful house.

"C'mon guys. My momma's already gonna kill us because we're late."

"Mommy." Talia said reaching for me. I decided that I would be okay with her calling me mommy because I plan on staying around for the long run and Ariela just started warming up to calling Morris dad. I unbuckled her out if her seat before picking her up.

"Daddy does grandma live here?" Morris nodded scooping Ariela up. By the time we got to the doorbell I felt like I was gonna faint, but there's no turning back now.

"Morris my baby." His mom cried hugging him, not even noticing Ariela in his arms until she groaned.

"Oh my! I'm sorry baby." His mom said checking her face.

"She's beautiful now I have two grandkids! You must be Tamara." She said hugging me.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Arlene. You can call me Tam if you want."

"I told you to call mama. C'mon get in here, it's a little nippy out there."

We walked into the house to see people everywhere. I became more nervous than ever.

I was being pushed and pulled every which way. I was in the kitchen getting something to drink when I saw Morris' uncle Joe walking in.

"Hey sexy who you came with?" I didn't respond.

"C'mon baby I know you want me." He said putting his arm around my waist. I was gonna speak up but Morris beat me to it.

"Move your fucking arm before I break it." He quickly moved his arm and Morris grabbed me by his side possessively.

"Boy you better watch your damn mouth and respect your elders." Joe sneered.

"If you touch my girl again and there won't be anyone to respect." Morris growled leading us into the living room.

"Baby you went overboard."

"How the hell Tamara? He disrespected you, and you know I don't take that shit."

"It's not that serious."

"Man Tamara I don't feel like talking about it. I'm done." He said walking away. I sighed. We've only been here a few hours and we're already fighting about nonsense.

Day turned into night and we decided to go to his house he bought a few years ago.

When we arrived at the building I still wasn't talking to Morris. I felt he overreacted. The house was beautiful and obviously decorated by a woman, hopefully by his mother. It was two stories and too extravagant for my taste, but I didn't complain because all of the rooms were on the second floor giving us full access to the girls.

I was tired so after we put the girls down I took a shower before getting into bed. After a while I felt the bed dip but I didn't turn around.

"Baby." He called out. Nothing.

"Bae." He said shaking me. Nothing.

"Tamara I know you're awake."

"What the hell you want?" I harshly whispered careful not to wake the girls up next door.

"Baby I'm sorry."


"I really am." He said pulling me into his lap so that I was looking into eyes.

"For real bae, you know I get overprotective and sometimes possessive but it's because I love you and I don't want you to get hurt."

"You love me?" I asked shocked.

"Of course. You love me?"

"Yes I love you baby." I grinned and leaned down to peck his lips. I tried to pull away, but he wasn't having that, he deepened the kiss and his hands found their way up my shirt and took it off. The bra was unbuckled soon after.

"Morris." I moaned as he sucked my swollen bud. He then slipped his fingers down my shorts and into my whole.

"Baby!" I moaned in ecstasy and grinded on his long finger.

"Mommy." I heard Talia whine.

"Open the door baby stop." I said trying to push his powerful hand away.

"Daddy please open the door we're scared." Ariela pleaded.

"Just open the door, the next chance we get alone I'll make it worth it." I said kissing him and adding tongue. I moaned as his finger slipped out of me. He started sucking on his finger and went to go wash his hands.

I went to take a quick shower and when I got back all my babies were knocked out; including Morris. I chuckled to myself before cutting off the lights and climbing into bed.

Ariela's body immediately snuggled up to me.

"I love you mommy."

"I love you too baby."

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