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"Ari I'm sorry." Morris said solemnly. She just folded her arms and slid closer to me in the van. We were currently on our way to swim with the dolphins because I've never been and I thought it would be a good experience for the girls.

Ariela was still upset at Morris for what he did yesterday and she wasn't talking to him. Stubborn like her mother because I would've been giving him the silent treatment too.

"You know the crayon maker mommy said you can't get? It's yours." He said and she still didn't budge. I gave him an annoyed look because if he buys that he'll be the one getting the wax out of her carpet.

"I'll get you the barbie dream house with the car soon as we go home." She still didn't look his way.

"Okay then. I'll throw in the purple Bentley too." That made her look up with a smile. He's making me mad because he just named almost everything on her Christmas list so she was gonna have to write a whole new one.

"Can I have a hug." She looked up at me then flung her arms around his neck. He's turning her into a spoiled brat.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too pumpkin." I rolled my eyes at the bribery as the car came to a stop.

"We're here." The driver informed and I grew excited as we exited the vehicle.

We were doing it in an ocean oppose to an aquarium because I don't support them. One day I was watching a documentary on dolphins and killer whales in aquariums and they were miserable. I didn't even know their fins weren't suppose to be bent because at SeaWorld and Miami Seaquarium they are. Truth is, ther fins bend because of them swimming in circles in the tanks they are held in, and because of depression. After that day I vowed to never take me or my children to an aquarium because it feels inhumane to not let these animals be out in their natural
habitats where they belong.

These dolphins are from a wildlife rescue camp where they rescue them from companies like SeaWorld and heal them then release them into the wild. They are already trained so they created this swimming whole sanctuary for them where they feed and heal them before letting them go.

Dolphins are very friendly animals that like to interact with humans, so twice a year they offer this attraction to swim with the dolphins. This also provides money so they could rescue more dolphins.

I got out of the car feeling a sense of serenity.

As soon as we stepped out of the van we were immediately greeted by the owners who were wondetful people.

"Are you guys ready to get into the water?" The instructor questioned excitedly when everyone finished getting dressed in their wet suits.

"Yes!" We all cheered with exhilaration. The trainer smiled and led us all into the water. A lady stood by holding Aziah where we could see her.

"So is mom gonna be first?" I nodded nervously. I was a little apprehensive about it but I wanted to show the kids how important it is to experience new things.

"This is Jamie. He's new here but he is very friendly. He recently reunited with his mother Lucile who has been here for three moths while she heals. It's crazy how much they are like humans. The squeal she let out when she saw him was unbelievable. She knew it was her son." My heart swelled at the great news. I couldn't imagine being seperated from my daughters against my will with no control of the situation.

"That's truly inspiring." She nodded in agreement.

"Jamie." She beckoned. The dolphin responded with a screech reminding me of Aziah's little coos whenever you called her name. The dolphin then swam beside us assuming the position I guess. The instructor carefully led me through all of the steps before I slowly grabbed onto his fin. Within seconds he took of causing a screech to escape my lips. My adrenaline rose as we did a lap around around the huge lagoon then a turn which resulted in him taking me under the water. This was one of the most joyful feelings in the word. I felt so free.

We slowly made it back to the other side where my family sat and watched.

"That.was.lit!" I yelled causing everyone to laugh and a coo to leave Aziah's lips.

Morris was next and since he has done this before he was able to do tricks that I didn't even think was possible. This was probably the coolest thing I've ever done.

Soon everyone had gone and we swam around the lagoon awhile before it was time to go. The girls we hungry and wore out and so were we.


"So what do you want to do for you birthday baby?" I asked Talia as I fed Aziah and Ariela slept beside Morris who was watching T.V.

"Disney!" She announced with eagerness but I was not so sure.

"You don't wanna have a party?"

"No I see Elsa." She said referring to the princess character in the Disney movie Frozen.

"I don't know about Disney babe." I told Morris.

"Why? I think that's a great idea."

"It's too big and there's so many people." We could barely focus on all of the girls in a mildly packed place, but in Disney, it would be terrible. Plus people are insane and besides school I don't like letting my children out of my sight.

"Okay. I'll shut it down. Problem solved now stop worrying about it." He said simply then turned his attention back to the T.V.

"Do you know how expensive that would be babe? Hell no she'll just do something else." He pinched me and shook his head.

"No cursing. Plus because I'm their lawyer as of Tuesday I get a discount."

"Babe you're their lawyer? Since when?" The fact that I'm his secretary and I didn't even know surprised me.

"As of Tuesday babe and I wanted to surprised you that's why I didn't mention it. It would usually be around six million to rent it out for a day (I actually looked that up. Some site calculated it from when Kanye rented it out for North and that was the estimate price), but since I am their lawyer I could easily get them down to 3.5, three if I'm lucky."

"That's absolutely ridiculous! That's almost the price of our house. And for one day? Just crazy."

"Babe I don't care about the price. Why have money when you can't spend it? I don't live my life with restrictions because I worked hard for that money so I will spend it how I like. Twenty three billion dollars in my bank account, I'm sure that three million won't make a dent."

"Baby that's not the point-." he cut me off by putting a hand over my mouth ultimately shutting me up.

"I already made my decision and I don't wanna talk about it any further." He slowly removed his hand. I slumped against the headboard with my arms folded and a mug on my face. I hate when he does this.

"Fix your face Tam." I was two seconds from asking who he was talking to but I just sat back and took this L.

Ole ugly self.

My mom would like to thank the people who either commented or voted on her "Happy Birthday" update. We really appreciated it.

I love how patient yall are. Thanks for over 3 thousand votes guys. Yall don't know how much it means to me.

Love yall


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