Episode 15 : No One Understands

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It is now monday morning and at the main beach, Carrie was alone hanging out.....

Carrie: (dips her legs on the cold water) (looks at the view)
Kylie: (enters the beach) (notices Carrie) (in her mind) there she is..... she seems to know Ashton here..... (approaches Carrie) (speaks up) ugh hello?
Carrie: (notices Kylie) oh... (smiles) hi!
Kylie: (smiles) nice to meet you... I am.. (offers a handshake)
Carrie: (shakes Kylie's hand) you are Kylie... of course, you are an influence and an emerging actress... I know you...
Kylie: oh... haha... yeah! (smiles down)
Carrie: so what brings you here??? seems like you followed your friend here huh?
Kylie: actually, that is right..... me and Grant were here to have a vacation too but I have no idea why he felt threatened seeing us... that is why I am asking you because I know you guys know him and how he was here......
Carrie: (nods) yeah.... and actually...about how he was here.... it is so complicated to explain and I feel like I am not in the position to tell.....
Kylie: oh....
Carrie: why not ask the boys instead because they can spill it up to you with much more confidence... and I also wanna feel careful about what I wanna say.... he seems.... sensitive.....
Kylie: (nods) I.... I noticed it..... I think I get what you guys wanna say.... but I also shy to approach your guy friends.......
Carrie: and so does Art to Ashton..... (stares at the sea) he was already upset because Art and Ashton had a misunderstanding and it is all about anxiety, miscommunication and scared to hurt each other... and that is why I am also traumatized addressing anything.... I cannot blame Art for being careful towards understanding Ashton but Ashton feels sorry for it and it just... gotten worse.....
Kylie: so nobody had understand him since he was here huh?
Carrie: (nods) sadly yes..
Kylie: but yeah... nobody also knows his real self too in the big world?
Carrie: (looks at Kylie) yeah?
Kylie: he seem so willing and fun in screen but quiet behind... that is all I know.... that is why I was asking.... I am sorry.....
Carrie: (nods) why not just leave it to the boys... that is why I isolated myself... this is a vacation, not a therapy session..
Kylie: haha... so, any good places here?
Carrie: seems bland for now but the best thing you guys can do is hiking.... follow me! (left)
Kylie: OMG! sure! (left)

It is now afternoon and at the dining area of room 35, Ashton was eating alone......

Ashton: (finishes eating) (cleans and brings his plate on the sink)
*the main door opens*
Ashton: (hears the door opening) (feels nervous) (immediately about to leave the dining area)
Art: (walks towards Ashton's way)
*Ashton and Art surprisingly looks nervous at each other*
Ashton: (feels nervous)
Art: oh... (looks inside the kitchen) I hope you like what I made for you...... it is....
Ashton: yes it is.. (cuts off Art) thank you... (passes Art) (heads to the living area)
Art: Ashton.. can we please talk?! (feels concerned) (follows Ashton to the living area)
*Charles and Damon enters the room*
*Charles and Damon watches Art trying to approach Ashton*
Ashton: Art... I do not want to make things hard for us... I will be fine at all! I promise!! (heading to his bedroom)
Art: (pulls and turns Ashton towards him) Ashton... no, I want this to get settled.... I want you to feel happiness in this place and not something you would carry heavy in your heart......
Ashton: but it has always been in me.... I carried my problems out here so please... I got to deal with this alone and making you all involved would... (cries hardly) would destroy you and I do not want people to hate me......
Art: and I do not want you to hate yourself either... remember, you shouldn't be alone here.... and this is a vacation... it is all about happiness....
Ashton: wrong Art... (keeps crying) I went here alone cause I wanted to be alone.... and I am not here to have a vacation cause actually, it doesn't feel like one... I just wanna escape and leave....
Art: (tears falls on his face) Ashton...
Ashton: and about happiness.... I cannot see it in your face and it is because of me and I am sorry! (enters his room)
Art: are you sure you do not need anybody? I will always be here and I promise, this is about what's now.....
Ashton: (shakes his head) I am doing this for you guys... (sadly looks at Charles, Damon and Art)
Charles: Ashton! please let Art.... he loves helping... please do not reject him... cause we are not rejecting you....
Damon: (feels seriously surprised at Charles) Charles.... not that way!
Ashton: I am sorry.... there's things to decline for the sake of you guys... you all should be happy, leave the sadness to me... (shuts the door)
Art: (cries hardly) (touches his chest)
Damon: (approaches Art) oh no... Art! I am sorry...
Charles: (approaches and grabs both Damon and Art) a little more push... don't give up Art...
Art: I won't.... (wipes his tears) I will always be here as long as he is here......

It is now night and at the entrance of the main resort building, Carrie and Kylie had a great time together.....

*Carrie and Kylie drinks beer happily*
Carrie: oh my God girl... you could have come early and not made me wait and be surrounded by... only boys!
Kylie: (feels dizzy) I am so sorry girl... you know, duties in work but I am glad we met..... I hope I can help you straighten the heads of the boys....
*Carrie and Kylie laughs hardly*
Grant: (approaches Kylie and Carrie confusedly) (holds a surfboard) ugh.... okay? drunk huh?
Kylie: cause it is fun.. (slaps Grant's shoulders)
Grant: how is Ashton?
Kylie: oh no Ashton when I am drunk right Carrie?
Carrie: (feels dizzy) yeah and.. nice to meet you Grant! are you two close, Kylie?
Grant: actually not.... we just coincidentally going to the same place so.... we headed here together from the other side...
Carrie: (nods) cool! dating?
Grant: no... cause she is in love with Ashton...
Kylie: (pushes Grant away) go surf no stupid! shut up! (feels drunk)
Grant: yeah whatever.. (left)
Kylie: sorry about that Carrie....
Carrie: (nods) (feels confused) (in her mind) so... she likes Ashton? not fan service? this girl is a lowkey threat...

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