Chapter 3 - Ties That Bind

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From 1.02 - Deus Ex Magic: In the boys' locker room, Scott looked up, shifted, out of control. "Get away from me!"

Stiles: (voice over) "Previously On The Chronicles Of Beacon Hills."

From 1.02 - Deus Ex Magic: In the Stiles' jeep, Stiles was driving. Scott sat next to him. Stark, Haley and Stacie were in the back seat.

"Stop the car!" Scott told him, glaring at Stiles with gold eyes.

Stark and Stacie stared in disbelief. "Oh, my God."

Stiles: (voice over from 1.02 -Deus Ex Magic) "Stacie and Stark saw you in the jeep."

From 1.02 -Deus Ex Magic: In the boys' locker room, Stark, Scott and Stiles were getting ready for the game.

"We saw your eyes, Scott," Stark told him.

Scott sighed, closing his eyes, nodding. "We'll explain everything to you and Stacie when we can, Stark."

"There's a long story about werewolves, witches and hunters, and..." Stiles trailed off.

From 1.02 - Deus Ex Magic: In the boys' locker room, after the game, Allison and Scott kissed for the first time.

Scott: (voice over from 1.02 - Deus Ex Magic) "I want to go out with Allison."

Scott looked at Haley and Stiles, smiling. "I kissed her."

Haley smirked, nodding.

"We saw," Stiles told him.

From 1.02 -Deus Ex Magic: In the boys' locker room, before the game, Scott was sitting on a bench, looking at Stiles. "I want a semi-freaking normal life."

From 1.02 - Deus Ex Magic: Outside the Hale house, Stiles, Haley and Scott stood above Laura's grave.

Stiles: (voice over from 1.02 -Deus Ex Magic) "Medical examiner determines killer of girl to be animal, not human."

From 1.02 - Deus Ex Magic: Outside the Hale house, the Beacon Department covered the premises, three deputies leading Derek, Tara and Sabine to the back of the Sheriff's Car.

Stiles: (voice over from 1.02 - Deus Ex Magic) "Derek, Tara and Sabine are not killers. Derek, Tara and Sabine let out of jail."

From 1.02 - Deus Ex Magic: On the lacrosse field's bench, Haley, Stacie and Ari were sitting together. Allison and Lydia were sitting behind them.

Ari looked at Haley and Stacie. "You know, the whole reason Lydia and Allison invited us tonight for after the game is so that we can get to be friends again, right?"

Stacie and Haley looked at each other, then at Ari. "Yep."

"Maybe that's a good thing," Ari told them, looking onto the field.

Stacie smiled. "Aw!"

Haley laughed.

Ari smirked.

Lydia tapped Ari's shoulder, making Ari look back at her. "Don't smirk, Ari, smile. Somebody could be falling in love with it."

Ari tilted her head at Lydia.

Lydia smiled, shrugging smugly.

Allison, Stacie and Haley looked between them, smiling.

From 1.02 - Deus Ex Magic: In the Martin Estate, Ari and her father were talking.

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