Chapter 6: Rollercoaster

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(Hey Everybody :) :) ) How are you all? Sorry for updating so late....:) )
Notes: Sasaeng: (사생팬) is a obsessed fan of K-pop that will do anything to get to them. I called it Sasaeng Drill because this school is full of celebrities and models and this school is prepared for them. XD
Chotto Matte Kudasai: (ちょっとまってください) Japanese for 'Wait a moment!'
Omo: (오모) Just means 'Oh My!'
Hontou: (本当) Japanese for 'Really?'
(Thank you for reading my lame story. :) )

Hong lead me out of our dorms and towards the massive school again. "This day will be interesting." Hong said walking beside me. "Why?" I asked. He chuckled a bit and then spoke. "You are the talk of the school. Everybody is talking about you." I gulped at the thought of this. "Hontou? News gets around fast." I said trying to play calm. "Yeah it does. Like wildfire." He said not knowing that he is adding salt to the wound. He smiled at me. "It will be very exciting. Like a roller coaster ride that goes through all loops and turns. But you will fit in, you're a guy just like us and you love sports right? And the ladies? Then you're perfect!" I smiled uneasily at him. Sports? Charming the ladies? I can't do any of those things! I can't even charm a boy so I know good and well charming a girl is like playing with fire. Especially ones like Maria. They are the worse. We walked back into the school and I immediately felt infinity eyes staring at me. Looking through my soul. I then thought about being the only girl here. It did feel like a roller coaster. A very fast one. Although the boys were talking amongst their friends I still felt uneasy. I leaned into Hong without noticing I was doing it. I heard a faint laugh as he pushed me away. "You okay buddy? Already tired?" He said as I looked at him in embarrassment. "No, I'm sorry, I was daydreaming and didnt watch my footing." He laughed and ruffled my hair a bit. "Its okay." He said smiling. "If you faint today, I'll help you, everything just seems so exciting so I can understand." My face grew hot a bit and I nodded. "Okay." All of a sudden I heard a red alarm. And in a panic, I thought it was a fire drill, but it sounded way louder then a ordinary fire drill. The students started to run in the classroom. I, for one wasn't a big fan of fire drills. I looked at Hong who grabbed my hand and ran into the classroom. When we got in there, I looked at the other students who were all hiding. What were they hiding from? Fire? I then gazed upon Hong who was peeking out the window. "What are we hiding from?" I asked him. "Its a Sasaseng drill." I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. Ha Neul? I turned around to see Ha Neul. Oh no. He's actually seen me before. Maria's boyfriend!! I panicked inside and almost died a bit. What if he finds out? What if he gets me kicked out? Hong will probably hate me and I won't be able to get a job! Ji-young will be right! I wouldn't last a week? Not even a day! I hope my glasses, clothing, and the fact I'm in a boy school will throw him off. "Sasaeng drill?" I asked trying to make it look not suspicious. "Yea, Sasaengs try to come in our school and get pictures or try to kidnap us. So we have drills to prepare ourselves." Ha Neul said to me. "Sasasengs are crazy man!" A cute but very tall boy with blonde curly hair and a perfect smile to match said. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He then looked me up and down. "Akira right? You're the poor boy! I'm Xiang Gun. But everyone calls me Gun."He said winking at me. Ha Neul smiled. "I'm Ha Neul. Nice to meet you." I blushed at the boldness of Gun and looked at Ha Neul. I then looked away. The Sasaseng drill was over the students walked out. Gun smiled at me. "See you some time." and walked out. Ha Neul walked out too. "Later." I nodded at both of them. Hong smiled at me. "Gun is a ladies man and Ha Neul is a track super star." He said looking at them walk away. "That's what I have to show you...the Sports yard." He smiled and took my hand.

We walked past some classrooms and people going into. I looked at Hong who expertly knew where he was going. "Hong, I don't think you should have time to show me the Sports Yard. I don't want to miss any classes." Hong laughed. "Your next class is the Sports Yard." I smiled at him. "Oh....I knew that...." I said to him. Hong nodded and smiled more. "Omo!! You finally smiled!" I looked at him and nodded. "I guess finally...." Was I finally warming up to him? His personality was welcoming me. And he is so friendly, who wouldn't want to be Hongs friend? I smiled to myself as he guided me along the very confusing building to go towards the Sports Yard. When we finally got there, we went through the gym and I saw shirtless guys running around the gym and playing basketball. I quickly covered my eyes as I entered the gym. I was stopped by a gym coach. "Sir, I'm going to need you to change into the gym uniform, go to bathroom and change." He gave me the gym uniform to go change. Hong followed me. I stopped upon seeing no female bathrooms. Hong almost bumped into me. "Woah, you going in?" Some other boys walked in casually into the bathroom. The bathroom. The male bathroom? I couldn't. Just couldn't. I couldn't go into a bathroom with just boys. Hong ruined my train of thought when he tapped me in the shoulder. "Akira? What's stopping you from changing? Are you scared Ji-young is in there?" I shook my head no and yes, confusing him at an instant. "Well that's okay, I'll stop him if it gets to serious, okay?" I nodded. "Okay... I guess...." I said trying to sound at ease. Hong smiled and pushed me into the bathroom. "Here you are!" I tried to protest quietly to him that I felt uncomfortable going into the boys bathroom, but that would seem weird. So I gained my posture and looked horrified taking more steps into the bathroom. "Oh no..." I said quietly. Hong walked into one of the stalls whistling as he went along. I thought I should try too. So I made my way carefully towards the next available stall. But trouble seemed to find its way towards me. Ji-young smiled as he walked towards the same stall I was about to go into. "This one is mine." He said putting a hand on the door. I looked around to see that there were more stalls for him to go into, but he decided that he would go to this one. "There are more stalls for you to go into..." I said trying to sound tough. He simply laughed. "But, I want this one!" He said smirking as he still kept his hand on the door. I decided that he could have that one and I walked towards another one. His other crew blocked the other stalls. I sighed and walked back towards
Ji-young. "Can I use this one? The other guys seem to occupy the others." Hong walked out the bathroom stall. "Hey, whats going on?" I was relieved to find that he was out. I quickly walked towards him. "I'm going to use the one you were using....the others are occupied." I said looking at him. Hong nodded and I walked into the stall. I could hear Ji-young sucking his teeth at him. "I forgot you are his friend...stop giving to charity." I heard Ji-young and the others go out the door. I was relieved and quickly changed. I got out and Hong was looking in the mirror checking his hair waiting on me. "Hey!" He said smiling turning around. "Ready?" I nodded. "Yea, thanks for waiting." He nodded. "No problem, don't forget, I am your tour guide and friend." He said smiling. I smiled a bit and walked behind him as we walked out.

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