Girl meets world

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Katherine's bedroom^^ The reason she has her own room is that she babysits and can pay the difference between a two to a three-bedroom apartment

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Katherine's bedroom^^ The reason she has her own room is that she babysits and can pay the difference between a two to a three-bedroom apartment. She also got most of the stuff for it. I won't make her introduce herself since there's already the chapter that does that for her.

Katherine's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm.Time for another day of school. I got up and dressed for the day. I got to school since Maya already left to go pick up Riley. When I got there, I opened my locker, and like normal notes started coming out. I don't even read them anymore. They always say the same things. That I'm a whore, that I'm fat and ugly. That I'm stupid, and should just kill myself. That my dad left because of me. The usual. I walk into class and sit down just as the bell rings.

Before Mr. Matthews could start teaching, the back door opened. "You have to do the homework, Maya. This teacher's insane, a total nut job. I think there's something seriously wrong with him." Riley said.

"Hi, honey." Mr. Matthews said.

"Hi, Daddy."

"You're late to your father's class."

"Oh, don't worry, Mr. Matthews, you wrote her a note," Maya said.

"I did?"

"You did."

"You did," Riley repeats, handing the note Maya gave her to her father.

"Riley's late. Deal with it. Oh, you got my signature down pretty good this time." Mr. Matthews comments.

"Oh, it was easy. You write like a girl," Maya said. They walked back to their seats, and now class could actually begin.

"Okay, let me get back to jamming some learning in your heads, The Civil War."

"The Civil Bore."

"Thank you, future Mini-Mart employee of the month."

"Would I be making more money than you?"

"The Civil War! Anybody?"

"A war we fought against ourselves," Riley answered.

"What, you actually studied it?"

"No, I'm actually living in it." She puts her head on her desk.

"People, people, are we here to learn or not?" Farkle, one of my best friends, said.

"What do you mean, Farkle?" Mr. Matthews asked.

"I've been in love with Riley since the first grade. But I'm also equally in love with Maya and Kat. Some might say the great mystery of the universe is who's gonna be the first Mrs. Farkle." Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention. He's in love with me, well, and Riley and Maya obviously. It never really affected our friendship, though. At least not in my opinion.

"You don't want this," Maya said.

"Bring it on."

"I always thought that he'd wind up with back-of-the-class Brenda," Riley said. We all looked towards Brenda. She waves at us, and I smile and wave back.

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