Girl meets boy

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Katherine's POV:

I was in the hallway with Maya and Riley, and Riley is texting on her phone, but I don't know who she's talking to. I was by my locker, but I wasn't going to open it. More notes would probably fall out, and I don't need the others seeing that. Anyway, Maya knew who she was talking to. "Talk to him," Maya said.

"Why? We have a great text relationship." Riley explained.

"You know what's a better text relationship?"


"Talk to him. He's right over there." Maya said pointing at Lucas. Why was she too scared to talk to Lucas? He wouldn't even hurt a fly.

"Noooo! Too complicated over there. Lots can go wrong over there. The only thing that can go wrong over here is if I go over there."

Maya points over to him, and Riley walks up behind him. She mouthed hi and hello, but doesn't actually do anything. Eventually, she smells him and then walks back over.

"How'd I do?"

"You smelled him."


"You smelled him is what you did."

"I walk through life, the way I walk through life."

"Can we please talk about this?"

Riley pulls out her phone, and then Maya's phone goes off.


We were now in class, and Mr. Matthews started the lesson by holding up his phone."You guys don't connect with each other. It's like you can't exist without these. You use emoticons rather than emotions. You're an unfeeling generation of zombies." Riley and Maya pretend to eat each other. "Stop eating her." Then Myzell walks into the classroom. "You're late, Miss Myzell." Mr. Matthews said.

"My goldfish died," Myzell explained in a monotone voice.

"You see? This is what I'm talking about. Miss Myzell has clearly suffered a tragic loss. Yet, she does not seem in touch with her actual emotions!"

"Excuse me? I am crying my eyes out. I'm gonna have to leave class early." She walks out the door. Uh, that's a first. 

"Oh, she actually made it out the door this time."

"I actually made it out the door this time!" She said when Mr. Matthews opened the door. She got to her seat, and Riley started talking.

"Dad, adjust and deal. Cell phones have been around for, like, ever." Riley said.

"It'll amaze you to know that there was a whole world before you and cell phones."

"And it'll amaze you to know that I have 394 friends in here."
"And I'm amazed that you believe that." He draws a line across the board. "This is a timeline of all human existence. Starting here is everyone who ever lived, laughed, loved, and understood the value of life. The cellphone era, which begins right around here, pretty much destroys all of that. Way to go, you." Drawing to more lines one at the start and one towards the end.

"Sir, if I may take a different position?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah, save me, Mr. Friar. Do I go too far?"

"Always, sir. I understand your point, but I use my phone to video chat with my old friends and to find out what's going on in Texas."

"Yeah. How else can he keep tabs on all the hoedowns and cattle pageants?" Maya asked.

"Maya!" Riley and I scold.

"It's okay, girls. I'm unaffected by Maya's views of country life. As my Uncle Buster always says, be like an eagle and soar above the mockingbird."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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