#36: Happy Ending pt. 6

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Imagine #36: Happy Ending pt. 6




During the reception, you talked with Anne and Robin, and some of Harry's friends that you knew.

You had a couple of drinks, wanting to get wasted. That was your plan. Getting wasted when heart broken is probably what every girl does through a situation like this.

"Tequila, please." You told the bartender.

As you finished your drink, Amanda tapped you from behind and you turn to look at her.

"Hey, do me a favor?" She asks with pleading eyes.

"Sure." Your shrug your shoulders.

"Down the hall, go up the stairs and you'll find a door to your right. It'll be..." Amanda thinks for a moment. "Third door on the right. There's a bathroom where you'll find my purse, you know the Michael Kors one?"

You nod in your drunken state.

"There's gonna be a CD in a purple CD holder. Can you get that for me?" She holds onto your elbow.

"Yeah. You said third door?" You ask as you rub your eyes.

"Yup. And please don't drink anymore, (y/n).

"I'll try." You wink and put on a fake smile.

After she says thank you, your turn around and roll your eyes.

As you reach for to he door, you hear footsteps. Not knowing who it is, you run into the room and close the door.

You walk into the bathroom and look through Amanda's purse. There you find her the CD she was talking about and grab it.

But before you were going to leave, something caught your attention.

There was an envelope from a hospital in England.

As much as you wanted to open it, you couldn't. That would be invading someone's privacy.

Leaving the bathroom, you look up to see someone closing the door behind them.

And that someone is Harry.

"Can we talk?" He asks.


"About you lying to me?" Harry furrows his eyebrows.

"Lying? What the hell did I lie about?" You say angrily, as the ancho gets you.

"You said you weren't going to be at my wedding because of a job offer half way across the country for sick kids!" He says as he comes closer to you.

You blink at him in surprise.

"Ok, first off, this wedding is not about you. It's about you and Amanda, you got that? And second, it wasn't lying, Harry. It was a change in thought. I accepted another job offer in the U.S. Don't you dare come up to me telling me I lied to you just to help 'sick' children." You say as you point at his chest.

"But you're still leaving the U.K." He asks more annoyed now.

"What's it to you?"

"What's it to me? (Y/n) you're my best friend! You're the maid of honor! You can't just leave me!" The two of you raise your voices.

"Why can't I? You did the same thing to me." You say calmly.

Harry just breathes heavily and it's silent between you two.

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