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private message with girlfriend <3

girlfriend <3
have u seen my purse

your purse?
which one

girlfriend <3
it's a light purple
i think i might have left it the other night in your car

i'll look for it
was there anything important in there?

girlfriend <3
no, pretty sure it's empty
i just think it'd go really well with my outfit...

i'm sure you'll be fine without it
do you want me to pick you up from school later?

girlfriend <3
yes please
but make sure to park a few streets away like last time
and wear sunglasses!!
and a mask!
and a hat

yes mom

girlfriend <3
shut up
oh! we can go to that new restaurant nara won't stop talking about

what time do u get done again?

girlfriend <3
get me at 2 pleaseeee 🙏

are u skipping chemistry again

uh no

i'll get you at 3
bye yoonmi

girlfriend <3

we don't live together


we haven't even been together for three months

girlfriend <3
you're taking too long to propose

go to class yoonmi

girlfriend <3
yes sir 😁


following dinner at the restaurant nara had recommended, yoonmi and jeno headed over to the latter's place, not wanting to part so early in the evening.

"it's okay, no one is home." jeno assured her with a grin as he unlocked the door. yoonmi fought the urge to lean over and pinch his cheek.

he looked incredibly soft today, with gentle tousled hair and a big sweater, a stark contrast to his usual sharp attire and combed hair. he reached for her hand before leading her into the house.

"i'll give you a tour," he said, bringing her to the dining area and kitchen. "this is where renjun cooks."

"i thought renjun didn't live here?" yoonmi questioned as she surveyed the spotless kitchen counters and stovetop.

"i don't think he knows that," jeno replied before showing her the living room.

"this place is huge," yoonmi commented and jeno nodded his head swiftly.

"yeah, hyuck's mom is actually a real estate agent. she found the place for us." jeno explained, "speaking of hyuck, let me show you his disaster of a room."

after jeno had finished showing the girl around the house, they retired to the long couch in the living room. yoonmi laid her head on her boyfriend's lap as some variety show played on the tv.

neither of them were paying attention to it, yoonmi being too focused on forcing jeno to repeat what he'd been saying last night in person.

"i love you," jeno mumbled, leaning down to peck her mouth.

"i didn't hear you, mind saying it again?" she teased for the seventh time.

jeno laughed softly, fingers running along her hair. "i said i love you."

yoonmi nodded her head, satisfied with his reply. "much better."

jeno tilted her face up, pressing his mouth to hers gently in a soft kiss. yoonmi melted into his touch, bringing up her hand to hold his face.

they hadn't been kissing for long when they suddenly heard loud voices from outside the front door. there was the sound of a key clicking in the lock and they jumped up and ran straight into jeno's room, locking the door behind them.

there was muffled chatter as they entered the apartment and then came the sudden unmistakable knock on jeno's door.

"jeno!" a voice shouted, "hyung brought pizza!"

"oh shit," jeno mumbled and yoonmi blinked at him in confusion. "doyoung is here," he explained and yoonmi cursed under her breath.

from what yoonmi understood, doyoung was a force to be reckoned with when it came to jeno. she wondered how he'd take it if he found a girl hiding in his room.


"i'll be right back," jeno turned to yoonmi, and she nearly laughed at his swollen lips and messy hair.

he left the room, slowly shutting the door behind him.

yoonmi breathed a sigh of relief, she could probably stay in here until doyoung left without being caught.

"hey jeno, i'm borrowing your charger!" a voice yoonmi recognized as hyuck's called as he entered the room without hesitation.

he didn't seem to notice yoonmi at first, humming to himself as he climbed over jeno's bed to grab the charger. it was on his way out that he noticed the girl and he nearly shrieked before yoonmi slapped a hand over his mouth.

"what are you-? wait, were you guys having sex?"

"my clothes are clearly on, hyuck."

hyuck shook his head. "i don't know, you could have put them back on or something." his eyes suddenly widened as if remembering something. "oh shit, doyoung is here. if he sees you, your life is over."

"i know...," yoonmi bit her lower lip in frustration, "where should i hide, hyuck?"

hyuck smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. "are you asking for my help?"

the girl rolled her eyes before lifting her arm to punch him, she was cut off by the sound of a voice approaching the door.

"hyuck, what's taking you so long?" doyoung asked and yoonmi and haechan's eyes widened simultaneously.

without hesitation, hyuck shoved yoonmi to the ground, rolling her under the bed. just as the girl was concealed, the door swung open.

"did it take you that long to get a charger?" doyoung asked and yoonmi shut her eyes tightly in prayer.

"you know how disorganized jeno's room is, hyung," haechan laughed awkwardly. yoonmi watched as the two pairs of feet disappeared from her view.

hi guys <3
thanks for reading !! hope u have a lovely day/night.

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