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kura sighed, running her hands through her freshly dyed hair as she studied her face in the salon mirror. she looked completely worn out and it was only 6 pm.

"whatever, it's not like i have anywhere to be after this," she muttered to herself, moving to leave the room.

on her way out, she promptly crashed into another figure. fighting the urge to snap at them, kura bit at her lip before looking up to meet their face.

"oh! are you alright?" taeyong asked, eyebrows drawn in concern.

"lee taeyong?"

"miss nakamoto!"

kura held back a smile at the boy's surprise, tucking her hair behind her ears. "i told you to call me kura. what are you doing here?"

taeyong gave her a soft grin, and kura ignored the warmth growing in her chest. "the same reason as you it seems, your hair suits you better now."

kura released a laugh, "did the pink not match my personality?"

"no, you just look a lot prettier with black hair." he answered matter of factly, and kura could feel her face reddening.

"the blue suits you," she replied and he gave her a toothy grin.

"thanks, your brother was actually the one who suggested it." he noted, running a hand through the pale blue locks.

kura rolled her eyes at the mention of her brother, adjusting her purse over her shoulder. "he loves giving his opinion on hair, he's the one who peer pressured me into doing pink."

taeyong's lips pulled into an amused smile. "but you don't look like the type to give into peer pressure?"

"yuta's pressuring is more like harassment."

taeyong let out a laugh before reaching over and taking kura's bag out of her hands. "let me hold this for you. do you have any plans after this?" he asked curiously and for a moment kura was reminded of her previous fatigue. it seemed that taeyong's presence had erased all feelings of tiredness in her.

"no, why do you ask?"

the boy sheepishly scratched at the back of his neck. "well, i was hoping i could maybe buy you a drink? i mean if you drink, that is. i'm guessing you drink? because of that time at haechan's birthday party but-,"

"i would love to get a drink with you." kura interrupted, grabbing him by the wrist before leading him outside. "i know a great place nearby."


"i didn't want to mention it before but," taeyong leaned closer to her face, tilting his head as he studied it, "you look kind of tired."

kura gave him a soft smile. "it's my fault, i shouldn't have stayed up so late last night."


kura nodded and the boy leaned back in his seat, glass in hand. "it can be hard to know when to stop working when there's no one to tell you." he mused and the girl nodded in agreement once again.

curiously, she leaned forward. "do you have someone to tell you when to stop?"

taeyong's eyes fell on hers and kura tried to still her heartbeat. "i mean i have my roommates. i'm guessing you live alone?"

"yes," kura replied, finishing off her glass, "sadly."

taeyong reached for the bottle, slowly filling the girl's glass back up. "i'll be your person," he says matter of factly and kura looks up at him in confusion.

"my person?"

"to tell you when to stop."

taeyong's eyes are bright and caring and kura thinks she's never felt this way before about someone she's met only a handful of times. it alarmed her.

she avoids his eyes for the rest of the night, until they mutually decide its time to head home.

the walk to her place was a bit too quiet for kura's liking. she was only slightly tipsy, and it was taking everything in her power not to interrogate the pale haired boy beside her.

the silence didn't seem to bother taeyong, and he looked very relaxed as he occasionally kicked at a pebbles.

when they approached the front of her apartment complex, they slowed to a stop.

"i guess this is goodnight?" the boy offered with a butterfly inducing smile.

she nods, expecting him to wave goodbye and be on his way.  she's surprised when he doesn't move, and instead takes a step closer to her with an unreadable expression.

kura lingered, unsure whether or not she should follow through with what she wanted to do. her eyes fell to his mouth, and she could hear her heartbeat growing louder as the space between them diminished.

leaning up on her tippy toes, she pressed her lips to his once. pulling away swiftly after pecking him.

taeyong's face was devoid of surprise, as if expecting this to happen. stepping forward, he cupped her face before kissing her again.

as the kiss deepened, his other hand fell to her waist and kura wrapped her arms around his neck. she was about to break away and invite him upstairs when they were both startled by the incessant vibrating of kura's phone.

he pulled away, lips swollen as he gestured for her to take the phone call.

kura answered without checking the caller id, quickly pressing the phone to her ear.

"kura." yoonmi's voice came out ragged as if she'd been crying.

kura felt her heart drop as she lifted a hand to her chest. "mimi? what's wrong? are you alright?"

she felt taeyong tense beside her, eyebrows drawing in concern.

"i'm fine," the younger girl sniffled over the line, and kura released a sigh of relief. "it's just- jeno just broke up with me and i have no idea why."

sorry guys 🖤 don't be mad at me lol!!

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