Avengers Read Thanos Book

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Everyone was waiting for the something to pop up in the screen, until a note landed on Loki's lap.

You are going to be watching a video on the cast that plays your characters.

The video is called Avengers Cast Reads New Thanos Children's Book.

This is an event which happens in the future. I won't be telling you how or what happens as we are going to watch clips from it at some point.

Everyone was taking this in. When the screen lit up with a video.

*The video beeped out all the swear words so if it says beep it's a swear. I didn't try and figure out what they said as some a obvious but just in case I left them as beep.*

(actions in video)
(getting said in video)

A guy comes on the screen he is talking to a crowd.

Guy: You know the last avengers movie Infinity War was very dramatic. Grown adults left the theater crying and...

"Was the event that is going to happen that bad, that even adults were crying?" asked Scott.

Steve patted his shoulder.

"Must have been." said Steve.

We hear the crowd laugh.

Guy: ...and while children love superheros. I'm not to sure how they feel about intergalactic genocide. It's no fun to see Spider-Man die so to get the kids back. We wrote a version of that movie, that is kid friendly.

No one said anything but everyone looked at Peter P and Tony to see how they were handling these news.

Tony hugged Peter P close to him when Peter let a couple of tears drop.

Tony wiped them off and looked him straight in the eye.

"If you die. I will ground you for life and no more Spider-Man. Got that Underoos." said Tony.

"Yes Mr Stark." said Peter P.

Tony didn't even bother to tell him to call him Tony as he never did it anyway.

Some laughs are heard.

Guy: It's a children book and we asked the Avengers themselves to read it for us. Go wake your young ones and gather them around the TV set, because it's story time with the Avengers.

Crowd laughs and the screen changes to Mark Ruffalo talking.

Mark: Good evening and welcome to (can't hear that bit).

Crowd cheers.

Mark: I am your host Mark Ruffalo and tonight's show will be a bit from 'Twas The Mad Titan Thanos.

"Look Brucey it's you!" screamed Tony.

"I can see that." Bruce said while laughing at his friend.

No one seemed to notice Nebula, Gamora and Loki tense up.

Some laugh.

Screen changes to Scarlett Johansson reading. Crowd cheers.

Scarlett: 'Twas the mad titan Thanos, who travelled through space.

"Why. Is. Your. Hair. Blonde!?" asked Clint.

"How would I know." said Natasha.

Screen changes to Chris Hemsworth reading.

Crowd cheers.

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