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Soon after his second meeting with Venti, he'd seldom find her sitting in his classroom chatting with a group of people. The ace story tellers were her and Xingqui, and they both lived up to their reputation of being gossip mongers.

Xiao thought she was getting too friendly with him in order to impress him, but he realized that he was wrong. Venti behaved in the same cheerful and friendly way with everyone.

Anytime Fischl would come around to borrow books, she would call her to sit with them. When Barbara, their senior came looking for Venti to resume their choir practice, she would convince her to join the game of truth or dare. Sometimes even when Sir Kaeya would cross the corridor, she would invite him to join them in their youthful discussion.

Her profile was with the handle name, 'I_dream_of_wine' and there was no way in hell Xiao could have guessed that. The night he followed her back on Instagram, he meticulously went through all her posts trying to understand who she was as a person, but the only things he could infer was that she loved the open skies and also, some good wine.

"Xiao! Won't you come feast with us?" Sometimes Venti would call out to him if she'd find him staring out of the window distantly.

Xiao would look at the group of cheerful classmates around her and instantly feel intimidated. She radiated of positivity and charm, burning brilliantly like the fire of the stars.

But he knew the story of Icarus too well and that he shouldn't try to fly too close to the sun.

"I need to go play basketball." He would excuse himself each time.

One afternoon, Chongyun managed to convince him to join the conversation, especially because their senior Albedo from the Chemistry department along with Sucrose, his junior, joined them in the canteen for lunch.

"This way the companies are now planning on growing algae plants to use as packaging for high end products." He spoke politely.

"But if you think... aren't cardboard boxes plants too? They come from trees." Chongyun asked.

"They are. But they cannot be moulded to take any shape. Besides, algae is harvested whereas trees are cut." He answered with a soft ruff in his voice.

"It's wonderful that your department is doing so much to help the environment." Sucrose answered, her eyes sparkling with stars.

"The possibilities of creation... Are endless..." Albedo answered.

"But can we even afford to execute these new methods?" Xiao asked with his head on his hand.

"Do you HAVE to be pessimistic?" Xingqui snapped at him.

Xiao puffed. For a 21 year old, he knew too well that there was an enormous gap between reality and optimism. A noble idea for changing the fate of the world wasn't exempt from this.

"I'll have to agree with Xiao." Venti answered.

Xiao looked at her confused by her answer.

"I don't think we have the means yet to execute this at this moment. That would require a lot of expenses and companies wouldn't want to take up that kind of burden. However, this does give some light and possibly in a few years, it will be economic to implement this." She answered.

Albedo smiled.

"We'll continue our discussions later, I must go back to the lab for now." Albedo stood up and bowed. His mannerisms were no less than that of a prince's.

Sucrose nervously got up, waved the rest of them goodbye and enthusiastically followed him.

"Are they together or something?" Chogyun asked, a little dazed.

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