pack your bags, it's adventure time

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Bella's P.O.V.

Sam's dad did not seem happy. "You mean to tell me a random witch came to HELP you, they hate helping anyone." I sigh and stand right in his face.

"Look, there's no harm in trying." He nods his head and backs away slightly

 "If your hearts are set on it, I can not stop you." I give him a bone crushing hug and stare Sam in the eyes, he grins and motions to the stairs. I nod and pull back, the alpha smiles at me softly.

"Thank you." I grin and walk to Sam. "Lets pack your stuff." He salutes me and picks me up bridal style. "I have legs hun'" I feel his chest rumble and rest my head in the crook of his neck.

"I know, I like to carry you." I roll my eyes and punch his chest softly. I feel his open a his room I hope and he walks over to the bed and drops me. I glare up at him and swing my legs over the other side, I walk to his closet and start to pull out random clothes. "What are you doing?" I feel Sam say as he pushes his front against my back. I lean into his and he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Your not telling me something." I state simply, I turn around and look in his eyes.

"Bella I have yet to mark you." He blurts out, I face plant and start to rub my temples.

"How the flying fudge monkeys did I forget that?" He chuckles and I glare at him.

"I'm sorry but flying fudge monkey?" I shake my head and point to the girl writing this story.

"She says it, she typed it." Sam looks at the person and waves, I drag his hand back and shake my head, "She's to busy writing to type back, maybe another time." I nod at the chick and she nods back still typing. I spin around and start looking for more clothes.

Sam wonders off and rummages around in his room, I throw more clothing here and there and walk back to his bed. To see a small pile of clothes, I start to fold the necessities and feel Sam presence besides me. He leans towards me and his hot breath fans my cheek. "Thank you." I feel his kiss my jaw and he slowly goes down and kisses me where my shoulder and neck meet. He goes back up to my ear and nibbles on my lobe, a small moan passes through the air and I feel him smile. He goes back down and licks the area again, I moan and squeeze his leg. He opens his mouth and I feel his canines grow, he then bites down. A cry of pain passes my lips but it soon turns to pleasure, he licks over the wound gently and kisses it his teeth going back to normal.

I look down to see that I have folded everything while he was seducing me and marking me, how does that work!? I shrug it off and Sam hands over a backpack, I pack it all away and almost topple over with the weight. Jake then walks in and see's the backpack, he looks at Sam then me. "Explain, now." Sam rolls his eyes and starts to explain while I make sure Sam has everything he'll need. Jake's lip starts to quiver like he's gonna cry and flings himself at Sam. "You can leave me Sammy, I'm pregnant.....the baby's yours." Sam rolls his eyes and shakes head while I watch in amusement.

"I've never slept with a guy." Jake nods his head and hits his chest.

"You were drunk!" Sam shakes his head and chuckles.

"I've never been THAT DRUNK!" Jake punches Sam again.

"Dude you once stood in our fire place screaming DIAGON ALLEY!" Sam chuckle and I burst out laugh nd end up rolling on the floor in hysterics. Both boys watch me as tears roll down my face, I compose myself and sit up.

"Did you actually do that?" Sam grimaces and nods.

"We caught it all on tape to." Jake jumps in, Sam growls and throws his on the bed. Jake rubs his stomach and glares at Sam. "You coulda killed our baby." He then fake sobs, Sam rolls his eyes and we start walking out the door.

"Oh grow up and while you're at it grow a pair!" He then slams the door and I giggle, Sam looks down at me and winks. "Quick before he blows up the house." We leg it down stairs and say a quick goodbye and good-luck to the alpha, he looks slightly confused.

"You need the luck." I point at the top of the stairs where a grey wolf is panting in anger.

"You need it, bye!" I yell and run out the door, Sam laughs and is hot on my heels.


"I don't know Bella!" I pout and think about it.

"Please Chris, if he's asleep he can't hurt me.......I figured it out on the way." Chris runs a hand over his tired face. "Please Chris, give us 3 days...." Chris nods and I jump on him, giving him a big hug.

"Okay, I'll do it. Only for you, and your mate." I pull back and grin.

"Thank you, okay we'll go pack." Chris nods and we quickly pack everything I would need, Sam's bag is still heavier as I'm not taking as many clothes.....I'm taking food and stuff. We go fast and quiet as my dad is only unconscious, Chris will inject him when he starts to stir......he will have guards and everything. We run into the forest and I give Chris another hug before darting off.

"God speed." I howl at him and he howls back........I will miss you.

Me too Chris me too.


Hey guys, I just wanted to say hope you had a happy new year and in case your forgot Chris is the beta. The next chapter is where it gets really interesting, this is where they have to cross through other packs territories. Enjoy. :D Katie :D

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