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Bella's P.O.V.

"Okay, call if you need anything." My mum says and I bite my lip.

"Mum...." She smiles at me but frowns when she sees me biting my lip. "Sam hasn't marked me yet." She smiles brightly again and lets out a giggle.

"I know, push our emotions to'll work." I nod and give her a hug then I give Sam a kiss.

"See ya in a few." I say and turn back to my dad's pack house, I walk up to the front door and I feel it's locked. I huff and look up at my old rooms window, I grin when I see a crack in it. I don't sence anyone inside and jump grabbing hold of the ledge, I perch and quickly shove the window open to crawl in. I put the window back in it's place to come face to face with Chris. (Her dad's Beta) I grin and give him a giant hug, he was always like a dad to me.

"What are you doing here?" I motion to the vile and tap my head so he'll talk to me in our mind link.

I need HIS blood.


My mum says we have to mix our bloods together so we can break the bond.

He nods and motions to the hallway, he peeks out and motions for me to follow him. He stops next to the door and I walk in to see my dad passed out on the couch snoring. I roll my eyes and walk over to him, I take out a small pen knife and cut the palm of his hand open. I manage to fill the vile and the cut heals over quickly, the perks of being a werewolf huh?! I shove the vile down my bra for safe keeping and stand up, I hear a grunt and see my dads eyes flash open. I whimper as a small pain appears in my head, I slam my eyes shut and it suddenly leaves a minute later. I look up to see Chris with a frying pan in his hands and my dad's unconscious. I let out a little chuckle and Chris grins at me, he motions me to the window and I nod but when my back is turned I hear someone fall to the ground.

I spin around to see a guy dressed in all black standing over Chris with the same frying pan he knocked my dad out with. He turns to me and smiles at me with pearly white straight teeth, I growl and see my dad move. He laughs and stalks towards me, I push my feelings of fear to Sam and pray it works. "Who are you?" I hiss out, he's only a couple of steps away now and he's getting closer...way to close! He soon reaches me and moves a piece of hair out of my face, what the actual hell?!

"Just as beautiful as I hoped." He says leaning in to kiss me, I slap him and crouch down growling. "You little whore!" He changes and lunges for me, but another wolf pounces on him. Sam!

I didn't see the fight as everything went black.

*2 hours later*

I wake up in my old room and my heart rate starts to pick up as I hear someone getting closer to my room door, I whimper as it opens. Nothing happens so I peek out of one eye to see my mum standing there looking worried. I let out a breath I didn't even realise I was holding, I let out a watery smile and she walks over coming onto the bed with me. "What happened?" I ask curiously, she smiles and opens her arms for me. I snuggle into her side and she starts playing with my hair just like she used to do when she was still alive.

"I've completed the ritual, you and your dad are no longer bonded together." I smile a real smile but think about Sam.

"Where's Sam?" I ask slightly worried.

"Relax sweetie, he's just getting his arm popped back into place. That man got a good grip but other than that Sam's perfectly fine. And that man, well he's dead." I nod and I hear more footsteps, I keep watching until Sam walks in rubbing his arm. He glances at the bed and grins before jumping onto the bed on my other side, he gives me a giant hug and I grin.

"What happened to dad?" I ask. "And Chris?" I look at mum and she smiles softly.

"Your dad is no longer with you, in any sense. He's been sent to hell, and Chris is just fine." I see a small tear make a track down my mums face and I wipe it away, well I try but she starts to fade and my hand goes right through her. "Oh no, I'm almost out of time." I feel tears start to gather and she shakes her head. "Don't cry, I'll see you again." I see more tears come down her face and she starts to stand up, she motions to my backpack and makes it come over to me. "Read the book, and the horn is now really small and on a necklace. Blow if your ever in trouble, I love you sweetie. Sam, look after my baby girl." I start to sob and Sam holds on to me, mum starts to fade a little one. "I love you sweetie, until next time....bye." I nod and look up at her.

"I love you too mum, bye." She smiles at turns into a ball of light she flies out the window and into the sky at a super fast pace and I cry even harder into Sam's chest, and I must of fallen asleep as I dreamed about her and her book.


You like? There will be one more chapter which is just a little bit of story but mainly a letter from her mum, which is in the front of the book. And on the next chapter in one of these notes I have a wonderful surprise! :D Katie :D PS: Anyone want to guess?

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