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Sora's voice was triple its actual volume as she screamed over the phone to Jarim, who had placed the device far from her ear.

The news that the beloved Prince of South Korea was going to be wed within three weeks had been broadcasted on the news at 7PM sharp, just as Queen Gowoon had administered. The Yangs had watched it, of course, and had also received a series of phonecalls from both relatives as well as family friends.

"I wasn't allowed to tell you, Sora," Jarim hated lying to her best friend, but desperate times called for desperate measures. "Confidentiality, but I promise you I was going to tell you sooner or later,"

"Have you thought about the dresses and other stuff?" Sora asked.

"That's why the car came today," Jarim winced as Sora let out a dramatic squeal from her end. "The Queen, my mother and I went shopping for clothes as well as my engagement dress,"

"You'd better send me a picture," Sora sighed. "Oh, to be marrying a Prince. You know that he's the most eligible bachelor of all of South Korea, right?"

"Yeah, I've heard it once or twice," Jarim mumbled. Here she was, a Marshal's daughter marrying a future King when he could marry models or even foreign nationals. "Hey, Sora, has anyone ever expressed having a crush on him? Like famous people?"

"Well, I know that Lee Yejin, the model, has said that he's her ideal type," Sora hummed. "But I don't really like her, she's pretty and all, but she acts like a brat. Who else? Oh, there's Nam Gayoung, the daughter of the Head of the State Council, she's always seen at royal events, clinging onto your future husband, but you shouldn't worry, Jarim-ah,"

"I'm sure he only has eyes for you, I mean, who wouldn't, you're pretty hot,"

Jarim snorted lightly as the two best friends fell into laughter. "You're pretty hot yourself, Sora,"

"Shame I couldn't marry you,"

"We could run away together, let's go to... Monaco!"

"And we'll buy ourselves a castle there, and live off of fruits!"

The two continued to chat in the night, hearts warm and content as both ignored the feeling that at some point, Jarim wouldn't be able to talk to Sora as much as she wished.


"Here comes the groom!" Jisung yelled as Hyunjin walked into the Game Room where all of his best friends were waiting for him.

Felix wiggled his eyebrows. "In three weeks, our Hyunjin-ie will be a married man!"

Minho wiped a fake tear. "Oh, how time has flown by! Only yesterday was I air frying you!"

Hyunjin snorted. "Hyung, you'll continue to put me in the air fryer whether I'm married or not,"

"True that,"

"Anyway," Seungmin looked at his childhood best friend. "How are you feeling about the wedding? The engagement is in a week isn't it? You'll be seeing Jarim,"

"Have you got your suit?" Chan fretted like a concerned father. "The one for the engagement and the wedding?"

"I have both," The blond Prince assured. "And as long as the wedding goes smoothly, then I'll be fine,"

"Hyung," Jeongin piped up from his seat as Hyunjin turned to look at the younger boy. Everyone was soft for the fox-eyed boy. "Hyung, take good care of Jarim-ie noona, I'm trusting you,"

"Oh he'll take care of her alright," Changbin smirked. "Anyway, who's gonna be your best man?"

"It'll obviously be me," Seungmin raised an eyebrow. 

"Excuse you," Felix glared at the puppy-like boy. "It'll be me considering that Hyunjin just so happens to love me,"

"It won't be either of you, it'll be me!" Jisung pushed past the two younger boys and the three began to bicker as to who would be the Prince's best man.

"Shut it!" Minho yelled loudly as the three came to a close. "Or I'll air fry you all,"

"I haven't even thought about it," Hyunjin muttered, raking a hand through his smooth blond locks that were pulled back by a headband. "Unless Yeji wants to be best man,"

"Yeji's not a male," Chan pointed out as Changbin burst into laughter.

"It's Hwang Yeji," He chuckled. "She'll do whaterver she likes, and Hyunjin can't say no,"

Hwang Yeji, cousin to the future King was a particular character. She was only two months younger than Hyunjin, yet she bossed the older boy around and Hyunjin couldn't say no. The two were close in a sense that they trusted each other. They had always played with each other when they were young, pranking the maids and occassionally their parents. Yeji was also the daring type. She liked to bungee-jump upside down, and would climb cliffs, and even more extreme stuff. 

"Yeji noona better get in line, then!" Jeongin muttered. "There's around eight of us who want to be best man, and besides, wouldn't she be like maid of honour or a bridesmaid?"

"That's up to Jarim to decide," Felix nodded. "Speaking of Jarim, I heard that the Queen and your mother went to Jarim's university, picked her up, and went shopping,"

"Yeah, they were looking for an engagement dress, they found one as well," Jeongin's eyes were sparkling. "Noona looked really pretty!"

"Yeah, well, Jarim's always been pretty," Seungmin mumbled. "D'you remember when the captain of the football team asked her out in high school?"

"And Jeongin got word of it?" Jisung asked as the three boys remembered of the incident. "Didn't he storm up to the captain and tell him to get lost and that Jarim would never go out with him because he was an asshol*?"

The group burst into laughter as the maknae's cheeks flushed pink. 

"He didn't deserve her," Jeongin muttered. "And he was really mean to the other kids, just 'cos he was good-looking it didn't mean he was a nice person,"

"Hyunjin, you are going to marry a very pretty girl," Minho winked, apparently not noticing the glare that Jeongin had sent him. "So don't be an asshol* like the football team's captain, 'kay?"

The Prince smiled.

"I won't,"

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