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Three days later, the honeymoon party had returned from their trip to Italy, and it had appeared that all of them had gone straight back into work.

Hyunjin was focused upon more 'Kingly' duties as rumours whispered around the palace that the blond was to be given the crown in a few months time. 

Chan and Changbin had been glad to get a break from their bodyguard duties, and it had become common occurence for the two older boys to join Jarim in the library in friendly conversation and help her get around the palace.

She had also discovered that Jisung, Felix and Seungmin attended the university near to the palace which was coincidentally close to Jeongin's Academy. It gave the four boys the opportunity to visit the palace as much as they possibly could, and Jarim wasn't surprised to see them roaming around the hallways, often joining her.

Jarim had slowly adjusted to her life at the Royal Palace. Her teacher for Mechanical Engineering, Miss Oh, had been extremely helpful in providing her with exam tricks and tips as well as a good friend. Miss Oh was in her mid 40s, a personal friend of Queen Gowoon and was a delightful woman to work with.

The Queen had not forgotten her classes with her daughter-in-law, either. Gowoon often appeared at least once a week and was currently training Jarim in recognising specific faces of dignitaries who held great value to South Korea.

"They're all hungry for power," Gowoon had said in a low voice, as though not to be heard by anyone. "But, they're very important, diplomatic-wise, and it's best to remember who they are before they start making problems,"

So as Jarim sat in the library, studying the names of the previous Ambassadors of the Korean Embassy, she couldn't help but let out a yawn. 

She had never been as exhausted as she was now, and Jarim wished that Yeji would appear at some point to have a chat.

It seemed that whatever softness that Hyunjin had showed her in Italy had vanished overnight as the blond Prince barely spoke to her at all. At first, the girl had considered the fact that he was just a little too busy, but even during dinners, he wouldn't speak to her at all.

In one way, it upset her. She had finally began to get close to the Prince, and Jarim couldn't deny the fact that she was beginning to care for the Prince, a little more than a celebrity crush. She was beginning to notice little things about him. Like how he fidgeted with his ring when he was bored, or how he played with his earring when he was tired.

She hadn't expected to fall for him, and Jarim knew that she was going to get hurt.

Oh well, she thought, I signed for this and I get the consequences.



Hwang Yeji strutted into the Entrance Hall quite confidently as she hugged her cousin-in-law. The blond wore wide-leg blue jeans, a cropped white shirt sitting on her top form as well as chunky sneakers gracing her feet.

"Yeji, how have you been?" Jarim beamed, pleased that the girl had returned. "I missed you,"

"Puh-lease," Yeji waved a dismissive hand. "I bet you've had the time of your life in Italy. How was it?" She asked as the two strolled through the hallway, arm-in-arm.

"Amazing," Jarim replied, dreamily. "You were very lucky to go there so much as a child,"

"Yes, Italy's a truly spectacular place," Yeji hummed. "Although I'm surprised that Hyunjin agreed to go,"

A small frown appeared on Jarim's face as she tilted her head in confusion. "What d'you mean?"

"This is the first time Hyunjin's been to Italy since Grandmother's death," Yeji said softly. "Did he - not tell you?"

"No I.... I didn't know," Jarim mumbled, helplessly. "And the boys didn't tell me either,"

"Well, you know how our Grandmother passed around five years ago?" Jarim nodded. "Well, Hyunjin refused to go to Italy, to the villa after her passing. He said that it reminded him of our grandparents and that he didn't want to go. He even refused to go on the Royal Visits,"

"Then, why did he- "

"I don't know," Yeji admitted. "Why he went for his honeymoon and not other engagements, I have no clue,"

A comfortable silence made its way between the two girls.

"If I had known," Jarim said softly. "Then we wouldn't have gone,"

"Maybe," Yeji murmered. "But, has he been warming up to you?"

"Kind of," Jarim answered, hesitantly. "He was really sweet to me in Italy, but now that we're back, he hasn't spoken to me at all!"

Yeji raised an eyebrow. "I'll speak to him,"

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