Chapter Thirteen

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The backyard is in full swing. Music blasting all the classics from the sixties and seventies. Her mother's ridiculous, over the top Fourth Of July decorations, including red, white and blue stars that light up are decorating every inch of the yard. Her father's grill is steaming, all sorts of delicious meat wafting from where he has been firmly rooted for an hour now. Of course, Bambam is by his side, like every year, his sidekick in case Marco has to step away for any reason. His wife, Minnie, is one part of a square that usually forms to chit-chat, including Rosie, Chittip and herself. Except, they are about to become a triangle for the rest of the evening.

"Jennie's here," Lisa announces, her face betraying her and portraying just how ecstatic she is about the new arrival. "I'm going to let her in."

"Didn't you tell her to just come around back?" Her mother questions, gesturing toward the yard that is full with their closest neighbors.

"Yeah, she doesn't really feel comfortable with that. Not like she's been here before," Lisa mumbles because she is already exiting the yard and jogging through her childhood home.

The thrilling buzz that seems to swarm inside her veins and nuzzle deep inside her heart whenever Jennie's name is mentioned, is becoming more intense now. She hates herself for feeling so much, but it's so obvious now that she is crushing on the brunette. She knows it's incredibly inappropriate and she could never act on those feelings, not that Jennie is even into women, but she promises herself every day that she will never cross those lines. She assumes the longing will eventually fade and it will solidify how good of friends they truly are.

Until then...she already knows she's going to suffer.

She blows out one heavy breath before she yanks on her front door. "Jennie," she says like she's been stranded in a scorching desert and this woman is her only source of cool water.

"Lisa," her friend greets her in that same old tone that confuses the hell out of her because it always sounds so damn flirtatious.

Jennie smiles softly, stepping up toward the threshold with some sort of dish in her hands and they still haven't found a balance in their friendship, both so unsure what is appropriate or not. Neither one has decided what the protocol is for greeting one another, but it's the Fourth Of July and Lisa has been hugging every single guest that has entered their home, so she leans in.

She swings one arm around Jennie's neck for something that resembles a side hug and that's the moment dread washes over her because she specifically hears the way her friend's breath hitches. She panics, her face burning crimson from the embarrassment, but then, she feels a warm arm curling around her waist and it's like all her anxiety melts away, dripping down to a puddle at her feet to be long forgotten.

"I'm so glad you could make it."

"Well, thank you for inviting me," Jennie politely says as they both take a small step back.

"What do you have there?" Lisa joyfully questions, lifting a dishrag to sneak a peek. "Is this your famous apple pie?" She squawks, her mouth already salivating from the cinnamon aroma wafting through the air.

"It is," Jennie smugly replies while her eyes drift around the Manoban's home. "I don't know why you are always raving about my house, this place is beautiful," she compliments, but Lisa's eyes are busy sneaking a quick scan over her body.

She hastily takes in the summer dress, that could be fooling her eyes and is actually a jumper, she'll never know. The colors are warm with a mix of orange, brown and royal blue and accents of white and it reminds Lisa of summertime under the Mexican sun (even if she's never been to Mexico). Lisa is sure the Jennie before the accident would never wear something so loud, but she takes that as a win. She's positive Jennie is starting to feel more comfortable and like herself again, especially in the presence of her. Jennie's feet are even dressed quite classy in strappy gold sandals and suddenly Lisa's feeling a little self-conscious about her skimpy jean shorts and American flag tank top.

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