Chapter Twenty-one

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"I suppose I am curious as to when everyone started to put themselves out there again and tried dating. I'm aware everyone is different, every circumstance is unique in its own way, but a little guidance would be helpful," Jennie explains, pretending that all eyes aren't on her in this small room hidden away in the community center.

"I didn't think I would ever be able to move on," Kai chimes in first, twirling the gold band that always seems to be strangling his finger. After the accident, she couldn't even stand to look at her ring, let alone put it back on her finger. "It's been five years and I'm just starting to warm up to the idea," he admits, sighing heavily as he collapses back against the plastic chair. "But I'm hopeful, I know Krystal wouldn't want me to keep suffering."

"No, she wouldn't, Kai," their counselor, Dara, kindly concludes with a warm smile to help settle his nerves.

"It's been a year since my dear husband, Sungjae, has left me, and even though I miss him constantly, dating has helped me move forward," Joy adds on. "I started dating...maybe six months after?" She contemplates thoughtfully.

"I will never move on. My wife was my everything and I cannot possibly fathom finding comfort in another," Mr. Yang growls, always the cynical, bitter, old man that sits beside Jennie every week. She rolls her eyes at the man.

"I went through a phase," the young brunette, Tyuzu chimes in to step over Mr. Yang's sour mood. "I slept around a lot after Taehyung passed. I thought it would help ease the pain, keep me distracted. I never allowed those people to get too close to me, except for one. About one year after, Taehyung...I met someone that slipped under my radar," she giggles, shaking her head at the memory. "I wasn't expecting it to become anything, but I fell in love again."

"Then why still come here if you moved on?" Mr. Yang bitterly interrogates.

"Because...meeting with everyone once a week helps keep me feel grounded. Just because I fell in love, doesn't mean that I don't still hurt or miss Taehyung. I don't think I'll ever be over my husband passing away so suddenly. I want to keep talking and expressing my feelings with others who have gone through the same thing, it helps me be the best version of me for my new relationship."

"Well said, Tyuzu," Dara says, offering a bright smile to the young woman grinning right back. "Alright, well, I believe we are out of time this evening. I hope to see everyone next week."

With that, everyone stands, gathering their belongings or bundling up for the brisk fall weather that brutally nips at any exposed flesh this time of year. Jennie buttons her peacoat, then adjusts her scarf securely around her neck, and it's hard for her to ignore the hot gaze burning a whole right through her. A few people trickle out of the room, motivating her feet to shuffle toward the door, but she never crosses the threshold.

"Jennie." Her eyes drift closed in agitation because she knew this was coming. Reluctantly, she pivots upon her heeled boots and meets those piercing baby blue eyes. "You have been sharing more these past two weeks, it's been really inspiring," Kai politely compliments, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Thank you," she curtly answers, not wanting to unintentionally lead him on because his eyes have been glued to her since the moment she walked into the group six weeks ago.

"I related to what you were talking about. It's hard getting back out there, right?" He nervously chuckles and she knows exactly where this is going, provoking a small sigh to escape her lips. " and I can help each other? Start off simple, a coffee date?"

"I'm sorry, Kai, you seem like a really nice guy, but-"

"You're not ready to start dating?" He meekly questions.

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