Chapter Five

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|Chapter Five|

As I walked towards the middle of town and away from where I had left Ashley, I couldn't help but frown as I was disturbed by the words Ashley had spoken mere moments ago.

What if he was right? What if I did end up falling in love with him? That wasn't possible was it?

If this possession mark of yours keeps acting like it does, you might not have enough will power to overpower it soon.

I knew that that was true. With the way my heart and body reacted to being around Ashley, I didn't know if I would have the mental strength to keep my head on straight. As long as I remembered what sort of man Ashley was, I thought I would be able to fight through it, but I wasn't quite sure of myself yet.

I steal a glance behind me where I knew Ashley was. He kept a steady pace several feet behind me, as if he was trying to give me a little breathing room, but not enough to let me disappear on him. I couldn't quite pick out his personality yet, as it seemed to change often leaving it all over the place, though all negative places. He was very cocky and arrogant, but he was also moody, dark, and very controlling at times. But then there was that small moment when we had sort of clicked for just a second and he had been funny.

I didn't really know which personality I liked better: cocky, sarcastic, annoying Ashley or cruel, dark, controlling Ashley.

But what I did know is that he had a bit of a short temper and if I wasn't careful with what I said and did, I could be the object of his rage. I bit my lip clearly upset. The panic and nervousness of meeting him long gone, but the fear and anger I had for him remained. I didn't want to make him mad to where he would probably take it out on me, but I wasn't going to be an obedient little princess like he expected. It would be tough to try and find an in between when I tended to act irrational myself when I was upset. Ashley wasn't the only one who could get a temper when they were at their wits ends with a person.

I groan running my hand through my hair. Either I would be the death of him or he would be the death of me, as we were clearly going to butt heads quite often and I was not looking forward to it either.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't realize I had reached the meeting point I had told Jasmine, the fountain, until I heard a chorus of little kids yelling my name. I push my dark thoughts in the back of my head and force a smile on my face as I wave at the little kids surrounding the huge water fountain in the middle of the cobblestone streets.

The fountain was located in the center of the village that our palace resided in and was the local hangout point for most local kids and young adults. An array of shops and little cafes surrounded the fountain and the smell of coffee and freshly baked pastries filled the air.

I had just reached the open area when I got tackled by a little girl hugging my legs. I stumble back a few steps, but a genuine smile crosses my lips as I set my guitar down and bend down to give the little girl a proper hug.

"Hey girlie," I chuckle as I bend back to look at the her smiling, innocent face. "How are you, dear?" I ask the girl who I recognized as Jasmine, the girl I had spoke to earlier in the car.

"Great!" She giggles before pulling me closer to the fountain. "I told all my friends you were coming to see us today," She adds and I get tackled by more hugs as her friends see me.

I giggle as I try and return each hug given to me as well as listen to all their stories about getting a puppy, having a birthday, or even loosing a tooth. It made me feel the happiest I had in what seemed to be years. It was normal and comforting making me feel like my life wasn't changing so much as I thought it was.

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