". . . M a y b e . . ."

251 18 2

hold on

where am i again?

what time even is it?

oh yeah wait

I rub my eyes as I raise my head. I'm still at Porco's desk, and still leaning against his leg, it's just now he's napping too. 

His head is rested on one of his arms that's strewn across his desk. He must've pushed his keyboard back to have extra room. His other hand is rested lightly on my shoulder.


well that's a new one.

I lift my phone to check the time and see if there were any notifications.


1 missed phone call
(potential spam)

1 new snap from wifey <3

99+ new messages from THE BADDIESSS

1 new tweet from The Swans Music

wow.. I slept for 5 hours. Poor Porco's leg must've been asleep.

I stand and stretch my arms. I shake Porco's shoulder lightly, trying to wake him. He couldn't be comfortable in that position.

"C'mon. If you're gonna continue napping you might as well do it somewhere more comfortable."

He groans, stretching his limbs. I walk a bit away from the desk so he could move, and he walks over. 

"Hi," he mutters. He pulls me into a lazy hug, tucking his head in the crook of my neck. "Thank you," he whispers, "for everything."

"Of course," i mumble in response. I nuzzle my head closer to his.

"So... wanna nap more?"

"Does that mean cuddles?"

"Do you want it to?"

"... Maybe.."

"Then sure."



hey loveys <3 sorry i havent been updating on schedule,, schools been kicking my ass recently so i havent had much time to write

and also sorry for the short chapter,, running low on creativity rn (^^')

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