Aaron Stewart x Reader

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*third person*

"Come on," she says, opening the door to a closed pool. She slides her bobby pin back into her hair and holds the door for Aaron.

He walks inside. "Are we supposed to be here?"

"Obviously not," she replies, walking in after him, "I had to break us in." She grabs her school lanyard from her pocket as they walk toward the empty pool. He stops at the edge and faces her in confusion. “Hands.”

He holds out his hands and looks around worriedly. “What if we get caught?”

“Don’t tell me the Makar is scared of getting caught,” she says playfully as she unwinds her lanyard.

Aaron keeps glancing around. “No offense but after my dad got sent to jail, I haven’t really been keen on following his footsteps. This seems pretty illegal.”

“We do illegal stuff all the time,” she points out, “pretty much everything we do to save the world is illegal until we win. Then we’re heroes instead of criminals.” Finally, the connector breaks apart. Aaron is still uneasy but she rolls her eyes and grabs his hands.

“Woah,” he mumbles in surprise as she holds his wrists together. “What are you doing?”

She starts to wrap the lanyard around his hands. “You think with your fists firsts but that’s not all you need to use in a fight.” Even though he’s confused, he doesn’t stop her as she continues to tie his wrists. “This will help you think with your legs. And, don’t use magic.”

“How is this helping?” he asks, staring at his tied together hands.

She smiles and he’s suddenly worried even though he should’ve been a while ago. “Simple. Like this.” She shoves him back and he topples into the pool.

The water impact is terrifying at first, then he realizes he’s only in water, and then realizes that he has no hands to swim up. His second thought is to will the waves to his needs but her other rule rings in his head. He can see her looking down at him.

Her hand reaches down and grabs his hair roughly, pulling him up. “Come on, Stewart, use those legs.” He gasps for breath. “I know you can use them other ways.” Then she drops him.

Aaron tries to do as she says, pumping his legs with as much energy as he can. His arms try to help him too but the rope and his will keep them down. She’s still crouching above the water, gesturing for him to get back to the surface before she grabs him again.

“I can’t do this!” he manages to spit out.

She frowns. “You’re a makar. You’re powerful. You can do this.” He spits out more water. “Say it.”

“I can do this.”

“Say it like your life depends on it!”

“I can do this!”

“Good,” she says, “now, I’m not going to help you this time.”

She drops him again. He’s ready for once; he got a lot of air in, he got words of encouragement. He is ready. He forces himself to push to the surface. His legs burn, his lungs ache, but he keeps going until finally he breaks out into the air. He keeps himself floating and smiles at her after coughing out the water in his system.

“Told you,” she mocks, still leaning down to look at him.

“Your methods are really something else,” Aaron tells her.

She smiles. “I know. But when you’re being hunted at a young age before you can go to a magical school, you need to learn new ways to survive. Like being tied up in a body of water.” Her hands go to his shoulders and she helps him up.

When he’s on land, he gasps as she unties his hands. “You know, you never did really get into your childhood,” he says, sitting up.

“You’re not allowed in here!”

The two of them look up quickly.

“We were just leaving!” she yells, grabbing his arm to lead him outside. “That’ll have to wait a little longer, Stewart.”

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