On a mission

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I can't find anyone anywhere I've looked everywhere that's close by I can't stay from my bunker for to long. I only have limited air in my tank. My car got blown up when the nuke went off so I have to travel on foot or on my skateboard. The green fog is overwhelming because it just consumes my body. Mexico no longer has people living there. Their either dead or these things that are super aggressive and always eating innocent animals. That dead guy was gone days ago, I have no idea where his body went I didn't hear or see anything.

"In coming news!" My TV shouted.

They have emergency broadcast and it's been a thing for ever.

"A bomb is happening in Florida and the estimate of the explosion is 2 states wide be careful. Do not breath the air and most importantly do not trust people who look injured. They were exposed to the nucellar air. The air is very Toxic to humans and animals until further notice stay inside." The news reporter said and the screen went black.

I panicked and started running home breathing heavy and losing air significantly. I'm gonna make it home, I don't live in Florida or anywhere around there but they made an estimate. Lately the bombs and stuff have been super aggressive. America will be a memory soon we don't know how long this will past. It's been months and all states have been bombed atleast 3 times.

I learned more information about the threats that President Tyron has made he's a real idiot the first black president is stupid he's really a bad example. I don't even know why he won the election last year all he's done is cause trouble. He threatened to kill all Russians and to kill all Asians. It isn't fair to these people, nobody deserves to be scared and be threatened by a short little man. He's pathetic and dumb.

I hope this is over soon..

I wake up in the middle of the night to loud frantic knocking.

"OPEN THIS DOOR! THIS IS SOLIDER LAND!" A man yelled waking me up.

"How do I know your not one of those murders?" I asked.

"We need you to leave." The man said as calm as possible.

"No I'm not leaving. I'm safe here." I said.

"I'll give you a day to evacuate this area or I'll open fire." He demanded.

"No way I'm not leaving even if you drag me out." I rolled my eyes.

The man trys to open the door but it's locked on the inside with 4 different locks. He trys hard and even gets his friends over to help him. I layed down because they can't get in. Then I heard gun shots. Oh my god they really wanna get in here. Why though they tell me to leave my bunker and then not tell me why.

I have this bag that holds 100 things. It makes everything lighter and it's not that big. It's so old and lame. I wonder if the people who lived in 2020 had these? I pack all of my things, the whole bunker is basically empty except my pistol that I carry. The bottles are edible and they hold all the nutrients that's necessary for survival out here. I was gonna hold my ground but I don't think they'll stop so I'll just go to my other bunkers that are in town.

I snuck out of the emergency exit and ran so fast. I didn't even know where I was. The smoke never left the area and neither did those unprotected people. They look so gross, they look rotten and make weird noises. I think the disease that happened in Mexico and Hawaii is happening here. But how did it spread? Maybe it they touch you or if they cough in your face? Either way I'm not touching anything without gloves and I'm staying away from those things. Their no longer people anymore.

I'm traveling alone forever I'm never having an alli I can't trust people, and I don't plan to anytime soon. I don't plan to kill anybody because I don't feel like it's right. I'll let other people do it.

As I run through the forest I run into a girl. She was light skin. I thought they were extinct.. What are they called? Caucasians? I draw my gun just in case and walk slow so I don't alarm her. She turns around and smiles, blood drooling from her mouth. I gasped she's been infected, I feel awful because she looks familiar.

She starts running towards me and I pull my trigger. She falls over and a teddy bear fell out of her hand. I didn't know teddy bears still existed. I took it because they cost millions of dollars now. Even though this war isn't ending anytime soon I'll keep it just incase another person finds it when I'm dead.

All the people I know are either dead or have been drafted. Who can I trust?

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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