worried thoughts

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(Time skip )

Third person pov

The golden trio stood Infront of the train to Hogwarts for their Sixth year, on the outside the trio are having fun talking to their relatives and chosen family (for harry) on the inside their minds are worried of the year ahead.

Harry is worried about his Slytherin Friends who have been branded by the Dark-Mark, him having to avoid those friends for their safety, him having to teach Ron & Hermione wandless and Non- verbal magic because he knows no matter how much he pushes them away they will not let him go alone, him knowing a big secret from his dream at the "ceremony."

Ron is worried about Harry having so much pressure on him, about the fact that Harry & Hermione being in different houses and how hard that makes things, about his new friends that he has ignored because it is for their own safety, him having to learn wandless and Non-Verbal magic & turning into an animingus, having a secret that could put them in danger.

Hermione is worried about a never-Ending list of things but the main things are: Harry, learning a new type of magic secretly, turning into an animingus and not telling the Ministry until after Voldemort is defeated which is illegal!!, Voldemort in general etc...

Little do the trio know they are being watched.

Hi guys little update for you, so you don't think Ive died Who do you think is watching them?

Im so sorry I have so much to do for school I barely have time to write!! But ill try!!! 

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