....Harry its imposible.....pt2

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Ron's pov
I woke up in the chair across from Harry ,happy that he was still there and didn't run away again and I relaxed.He was reading a book he looked up and said "oh good morning ~ sleeping beauty ~ I see you snuck back in here after madame pomphrey sent you to the dorms ,thanks mate"I chuckled and we started talking about quittage (someone help me with the spelling please 😣)

Third person pov
Harry was released from the hospital ward and went with Ron to the lake , that sat down on one of the benches and talked ,about ten minutes later a very out of breath Hermione found them and started lecturing them on how " it is important to tell a friend on where you are so they don't have to search around the bloody castle to find them" as she put it.
And for those few hours they were happy there were no accidents but their happiness is short lived for next three month things will slowly be going wrong until it will collapse to an utter disaster

Time skip : 1 month
In the Slytherin dorms

Harry's pov
I was getting closer and closer to the door I was somewhere familiar but I couldn't place it  I was getting closer and closer to the door but I wasn't myself . All of the sudden I was being shaken I woke up with a jolt and saw a worried Draco and Blaise hovering over me . A couple nights ago I was so tired that I forgot to put up  the silencing charms and they found me having a nightmare and it was  either tell them about my nightmare or tell them how long I've been having nightmares
And I chose the second option then I had to tell them about the charms and I made them promise not to tell Hermione , Ron and the others and they reluctantly  promised but they said if it was bad they were gonna tell  and I got a feeling they were gonna tell because ...

"...ry,Harry ,Blaise get help"Draco yelled
"Jeez Draco I'm fine you worry too much"I said calmly
" how can this be fine harry your sweating a river!" Draco whisper yelled
Blaise whisper yelled " Draco we talked about this !" He turned to me "... ..... .... .. ... ...... !"

Blaise's pov
He didn't look like he heard me so called on him " Harry can you hear me..."
He didn't answer . "That's it we are taking him to griffindor tower !"Draco yelled before i could register what was happening Draco was levitating Harry out of our dorm and I was speed walking to catch up to him and when I did it looked like Harry zoned back into to world because he started yelling at Draco

Harry's pov
I heard the voice and I snapped back to reality I was being levitated by Draco
"Draco put me down this instant!"I whisper yelled he looked up at me and said no I heard the voice coming closer it was like it was whistling " lalalalala ..da....da....do...la...la....la......"
So I asked the boys if they heard it " do you guys hear that" they stopped for a second then the shook their heads and continued walking but I could hear the song and it was deafening I felt like something bad was gonna happen

"Draco down now !"
"No harry !!!"
"Draco now!!"
"Harry I said no!!"
But my feeling was getting stronger
"Malfoy I said now!!!"
He stood there shocked
Blaise was also shocked but said "Draco just put him down..."
Draco did put me down and just in time to because I heard the singing get closer I grabbed the two and started running , we ran and ran I could hear the two asking what's wrong but I couldn't stop to explain we ran to the portrait of the fat lady and she let us in as she could see that there was something wrong .

When we got inside I let go of their hands and ran up to my old dorm turned on the lights and heard the groans and the "bloody hell Harry can't it wait until morning" but of course Ron was still sleeping so I went over and smacked him in the head with a pillow and he woke up with a fall to the ground "bloody hell Harry !" " Ron get up now we have a problem !"
"What's up?" " we have a snake problem" groans came from around the room " Harry it's to early for a Slytherin to annoy you and its to early to talk about what Draco or Blaise did to get you to come here at 1 in the morning to talk to us about whatever they did..." i slaped him " oww"the room went to complete silence
"Ron I mean a real snake problem you idiot!!!!"
"But there are no snakes in the school! Harry!"
"There is a child to the one from second year"
Ron visibly paled and stood in shock and wide eyes
Neville asked " what snake from second year?"
"Did Dumbledore not tell the school what happened?"
They all shook their heads
" get dressed and go to the common room I  gotta get Hermione"
Ron unfroze at the mention of Hermione.
I ran downstairs to the common room and ignored the two still standing there and ran to the girls dorms and shook Hermione awake and told her to get dressed and to go to the common room and to get Ginny too ,she nodded and I ran out to the common room and waited.
See I said I was gonna get you guys a longer story
Love you guys thanks for reading
T h i s I s S o E x I t I n g
C a n t wait for later on in the story yay 😀🤗🤗

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