Chapter 9

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(2 weeks later)

In the past 2 weeks nothing major has happened, dumb, dumber, dumbest were still going strong with their crackhead ways. Chaewon and Renjun started talking a little bit as it turned out they had the same art class together, but they've only met up out of school once or twice, only because of a project.

Other than that they they didn't speak, even to they had the others number. Byeongho and Chaewon were still together, they didn't hangout or talk to each other as much as before because of the girl's schedule.

The only person she hasn't seen since then was Haechan. Jeno would sometimes have the same lunch and would conversate with the trio. The girls and Haechan didn't have any classes together nor did they exchange numbers.

Are we done yet? It feels like we've been here you 5 hours. Chaewon was in Literature class, slouched over in her seat. She's felt like she's been sitting there for hours because she was tired from staying up 'till dawn watching 'Tempted', leaving her less than 2 hours of sleep. (Watch Tempted it's a great show) For her sadly it's only second period and she still has a hour left of class.

Her teacher seemed to feel the same way. Her teacher wasn't really even teacher, he was just standing next to the projector and his body language and tone in voice was enough to say how much he didn't feel like teaching.

"You know what, class dismissed. We can continue this tomorrow." Her teacher Mr. Kwon spoke loud enough for the whole class to hear, "You may stay in here or take a break, I'll be leaving." Stretching, Chaewon looked over to her left to see her friend, Yeeun, knocked on her desk. Groaning she started shaking her, "Yeeun. Yeeeeuuun," she started shaking her friend violently, " Yeeun! Wake up or I won't buy you food!"

Having her sleep ruined Yeeun started whining, "just leave me I can buy my own food."

"Come on, doesn't Jeno have a free period right now? We can ask Sorn if she's able to join." Just by the mention of Jeno's name she stopped whining and started listening. "Text Jeno where he is and I'll ask the other one."

Collecting their items the two whipped out their phones to text the 2 people.

Walking down the hallway the dark haired looked up from her phone, "Jeno said he's outside next to the football field."

"Ah ok, well Sorn said she can't make it. She said she has... science and you know how her science teacher is about skipping."

Making their to the football field they were quick to stop a blue headed Jeno sitting in the bleachers. "Yo Jeno!" The 19 Sophomore called, "Did you miss me?" She jumped in front of the boy, putting her thumb and index under her chin. In response the muscular blueberry just stared at her with a confused face before answering, "No."

"Yo Jeno, have you seen my coffee?" A unfamiliar voice called from behind jeno.

"This one?" Chaewon held up a pitch black iced americano, raising it to her mouth.

"Yeah, that one, but you might not wanna try tha-"

"Too late." Jeno cut him off.

"Ooh not bad. What is this?" The one who drank the deadly coffee asked.

Instead of answering the unknown just started making random noises, "OoOOh I like her."

Slightly confused Jeno questioned the seemingly fine girl, "Are you ok? That was 8 shots of espresso with no extra water or sugar, just ice."

"Really? Wow in highschool when I watched Jisung while my parents were gone I would drink 10. You need to step up your game." The said girl said to the boy who was getting his coffee back.

"Oh that's a good idea- (stan taemin and stream idea) the pink headed announced.

"No! Chaewon don't give Jaemin any ideas."

"You're Jaemin?"

"Yeah. How do you know about me?"

"Jeno mentions you during lunch."

"Huh-ho! Jeno got himself some chicks." Jaemin exclaimed, his eyes moving between Chaewon and Yeeun.

Jeno showed his eye smile, it was to innocent and nice to have a good intent. "No Jaem, this is Chaewon, Haechan's friends girlfriend and this is Yeeun her friend."

"Bestfriend that is," Yeeun corrected.

"Oh how is Haechan? I haven't seen or talked to him in the last 2 weeks." Chaewon asked curious.

"Oh he's fine. A lot of work though." The Jaemin guy answered.

"That's sadly relatable. But we should hangout again, with Sorn and Renjun."

"You know Renjun too?"

"Yeah, we have the same art and history class."

The rest of their break they sat on the bleachers and talked, when the bell rang they separated, giving their numbers.

I can't I need to stop writing 4 hours before 12am because I be getting so tired I fall asleep.

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