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Everything was fine. If Leo just kept telling himself that, he would believe it, right? It was fine. He stood in the middle of the ruins that once were his home. It was fine. He kept telling himself, as he felt the tears dropping his face. It was fine. His legs could not keep him upright any longer and he fell to his knees. They burned down everything, exploded all the houses, the kingdom that once was his home. All his friends disappeared. Just like flowers die in the winter, they died so easily. Leo could not even say Goodbye.

It was at this point that he realized his life fell apart. He knew it earlier, deep inside. But he did not want to admit that. Their lives were just like flowers and someone trampled on it. Just like precious, beautiful flowers, this life was a beautiful pain. Leo found his special someone but lost everyone else. What else did he have to pay to finally reach happiness? He felt a soft hand rubbing his shoulder gently, as Leo covered his face in his hands. His sobs sounded loud in the atmosphere's silence. It was mocking him, laughing, and making of him.

"Leo, it's alright", his partner whispered and kneeled beside him to hug him properly. Leo leaned his head against his shoulder and breathed in the familiar scent that has been comforting him through this mess that his life became. He looked up at him, catching the loving spark in his eyes. Leo's face must look a mess. Swollen eyes, red cheeks and tear marks all over his face, yet his partner just pressed his lips against Leo's forehead.

"I love you so much, Leo", he whispered in his hair, swaying back and forth to calm the tiny, shaking body. Leo grabbed the other's jacket and clung to the cotton of it. It felt like time stand still, yet it was going faster than ever. They left him all alone. All he got left was his partner in this cruel world. They were flowers, and they were all gone.

"What... what has my life become, Jack?", Leo asked his partner between his heart-breaking sobs and Jack pulled him closer to his chest, not being able to answer the ginger's question. He pressed his lips on Leo's hair and whispered sweet words that lulled Leo into a fairy tale, away from reality. This dark, cruel reality. It was not fair.

"Will I ever see them again?", Leo whispered after a while and Jack pulled him into a standing position. Without a word, just a small kiss on the tip of his nose that meant 'I'll protect you' and he took his hand to take him away from the battlefield. They were flowers, right? Flowers bloom again after the winter has passed. They were just like flowers. They will eventually come back one day...

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