Chapter 1: "The war has begun."

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The bright sunlight that shone through his curtains woke Leo up this morning, just like every other day. In fact, it was like every other day. Judging from the beautiful sunlight, the day was going to be amazing. Beautiful weather like this was rare, considering that it was barely spring, so he should better enjoy this. He should go on a ride on his horse that day. This thought made him smile brightly as he left his room, almost running into his personal butler.

"Good morning, prince Leopold, you're seeming to be happy today", Etham, his personal servant, greeted, a sad smile covering his face. Leo did not understand that, carefully trying to get what was on the other's mind. He agreed and nodded supportive with his head.

"Well, have your last few happy minutes, while you go visit your dad, he wants to talk to you," he explained, guiding Leo down to the dining hall. His stomach turned and twisted like crazy as he listened to these words. Was it that bad? What happened this time? Was it Leo's fault? All these thoughts crossed his minds as his servant opened the door for him, allowing him a great view of the misery in front of him.

„Ah, there you are, Leopold. Come here and sit down", his mother greeted with a weirdly irritable look on her face. The other attendants where his father, the king, the sergeants and two knights that Leo knew fought in various battles and played a key role to winning. They were both fantastic when it came to fighting techniques and Leo was always envious for that. His own fighting skills were limited, and he always admired those with strong and agile bodies because he could not have them. He inherited a lot from his mother, especially being as fragile as a little girl. Someday, Leo was supposed to rule the kingdom. How should someone as tender as him ever rule anything? He never wanted to be the king but what was his choice? The only sibling of his was his younger sister Elaine and he did not want to burden her with the weight of being the queen and having to fight wars.

Sceptically, he stepped closer and carefully sat down onto the only free chair in the room, seven eyes directed at him. He felt uneasy with the looks everyone was giving him, especially since the look on their face was frightening. To avoid their glances, he stared down at his nervously in and out crossing hands.

„Son, the Letovian Empire attacked our guards this night. 7 of them are dead, 12 heavily and 6 mildly injured. They attacked the North Gate", his father explained to Leo and his eyes widened in shock. 7 of their guards, dead. Will never ever see the sun rise again. But what was the strangest thing about this...

"The North Gate? But they are in our southwest", Leo was confused. Why did they attack from the North Gate? If they wanted to attack, would it not have been easier to just go for the Southwest Gate? His father shook his head with a bitter smile on his face that gave Leo the chills.

"They want to confuse us. They do not want to let us know where they will be attacking next time. This means war. Leopold, from now on you are not allowed to leave the castle. Always stay inside its walls and only visit the garden when it is necessary. Never ever go to the dungeon, enemies could already be hiding there, did you understand me?", the king looked at Leo with an authoritarian glance in his eyes and all he could do was nod. His father scared him when he acted like this. However, he did not like the thought of being locked up like a criminal.

"Good, I hope you understand how important this is", the king growled and dismissed Leo with this last sentence. Facilitated, he jumped off his chair and fled out of the room. As the giant door made of oak wood shuttered behind him. With a sigh he leaned against the heavy wood and closed his eyes. They were in a war. As far as Leo could remember, there had not been a war since he was 2 or 3 years old. He could barely remember how carefully his parents tried to protect him.

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