The boy

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There once was a boy with green eyes. We crossed paths and our eyes locked . I looked deep into his eyes and saw someone full of sarrow and pain. But not like any I had seen before . It was like he was begging for love but didn't want to ask. There once was a boy who wore a fake smile.we crossed paths and I looked at his smile and behind it was a deep frown. It was a frown that was impossible to fix. Once there was a boy with a strong body   we crossed paths and I studied his body .it showed me that he was never allowed to be weak. Because if he was he would be punished. There once was a boy with a huge wall. We crossed paths and I studied his wall it showed me that he had been hurt a lot and he felt like he couldn't trust anyone. There once was a boy with a hollow heart. We crossed paths and I studied his hollow heart . It showed me that nothing was ever able to be fixed . There once was a boy who was broken . We crossed paths and I studied this broken boy and it showed me that he was very lost. There once was a boy with green eyes,a fake smile, a strong body, a huge wall,a hollow heart ,and was broken. And as I studied all of these things I realized I was completely and totally in love with him and all I wanted was for him to feel all of the positive and happy things for the rest of his life

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