No means no

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No means No
When I was little and dad said no it meant we shouldn't do something. When mom said no we would test our limits to see what we could get away with but we where still in the wrong. As we got older we got the concept of no. Then came the teen years and wearing certain clothing was a no. Wearing a certain type of make up was a no. Well as I ventured out in the real world I found my self using the word more and more saying no to sneaking out or doing drugs. But people would just bug me till I said yes. I was finally understanding what no was meant for. One night I was deciding to explore in my life and venture into other things. I decided to allow more than one man in my bed I was very uncomfortable and told the other guy no and so he left. After a lil while my spouse took me to our room. At first he removed my clothing and slowly cressed my body in his hand. Then for some reason he got angry things started to hurt and I said no.  I sat there crying with my face being smothered into the pillow crying and saying no. I was just told to shut up. But all I could think was being told no when I was little and that meant not to do something. After he was finish he just walked out of the room and I curled up in a ball and cried for hours just not understanding what I could have said to make him stop the pain he was putting me through. And why he didn't understand that no means no. And it sent me deep down feeling worthless and so one day I asked you know what no means right and he said yes but it only applies to me when I feel. So now with my story being told if you say no that means no it shouldn't by pass anyone. NO MEANS NO

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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