Chapter 48

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Reluctantly they said goodbye to Patrick that evening.

Samantha was really going to miss him. He was great company.

After picking her up each night at work he made her a cup of tea while she unpacked her bag and had her shower. If she had homework he sat with her in the living room and quietly watched television while she made notes or studied. In the mornings he made her a coffee in her travel mug when she went to grab her bag and brush her teeth after breakfast and, most days, he could be talked into jogging with her if she gave him at least fifteen minutes to wake up with a cup of coffee before they left. Adam was right that he was not especially a morning person but he was only jokingly grumpy with her.

It was Samantha's first night off since Patrick arrived and now that Adam would be off for the evening before he switched to the day shift they were finally all able to eat supper together.

"That was amazing, Sam" Patrick praised as he cleaned his plate – his second plate, of the lasagna and garlic bread that she had made them for dinner. Ruffling her hand over his hair as she walked past him, she smiled sweetly. "I'm glad you liked it. I'm only sorry that we weren't able to eat together until now when you are leaving".

Patrick grinned at his brother when he noticed Adam's eyes narrowing at him. He got such perverse pleasure in torturing Adam that he would miss the two of them when he left.

"Well, we'll be having dinner together again next weekend at the farm I hope" he said before noticing the slight panic in Adam's eyes.

Adam had already told him that their mom had asked Adam to come home for Sunday dinner and that she really wanted him to bring Samantha along too, having heard about her now from both Adam and Patrick. He also knew that Adam would be over the moon to have the family meet Samantha so he wasn't exactly sure why he obviously hadn't asked her yet.

Turning back to the table, Samantha arched an eyebrow in silent question to Adam before Patrick interrupted by jumping up quickly from the table.

"I'd better hit the road" he said as he made his way to the door grabbing his duffle as he went. Adam and Samantha followed behind him and when he reached the door he quickly pulled Samantha into a hug, squeezing her tightly. "You take care of yourself, gorgeous" he muttered. "You have my cell number right?" he asked earnestly ignoring his brother's eye roll.

Squeezing him back, Samantha rubbed her hands over his shoulders before reaching up to caress his cheek. "Yes, I do, you sweet man. I'm really going to miss you. You've been such great company. Drive carefully and let us know when you get home" and she stretched up on her toes to sweetly kiss his cheek and was starting to let him go when he pulled her back in. "Wait we need a picture" he pulled his cell phone out of his coat pocket and tucked her under his arm. Grinning down at her "So we'll always remember our week together" Samantha chuckled and Patrick stretched his arm up and took their picture, him looking smug with his arm tight around her and her with her beautiful golden eyes dancing, her cheek and hand against his chest.

Clearing his throat, Patrick smiled at her again before turning to his brother and laughing at the dark look in his eyes. Reaching out he tugged Adam into a big hug. "You lucky bastard" he said under his breath, making Adam laugh.

After they watched Patrick walk down the stairs and get into his car they went back in to clean up from dinner.

"Um, you're probably wondering about that dinner comment" Adam hesitated.

Trying to be positive, Samantha forced some cheer into her voice. "No, I get it. You're right; it might be too soon for meeting the families. We've only known each other for a couple of weeks" she made herself busy filling the sink with soapy water for the dishes.

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