Chapter 49

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Samantha gave herself a bit of a pep talk. There was absolutely no reason to be oversensitive about the situation. She and Adam had only been together for a short while and meeting the parents was a big step. Her feelings were hurt only in the fact that he hadn't mentioned the invitation to her and asked her opinion or at least told her his feelings on it. She had hoped that they would be able to be honest and talk about things even if one of them might have their feelings hurt.

Adam called his mom and dad every Wednesday night. Since he couldn't visit as often as he, and they, would like he made a point to be consistent with this. He would fill them in on some of his cases, the ones that he could talk about, and any news about Jamie, who they both loved like another son and they, in turn, would fill him in on things at the farm and anything that his brothers were up to. He had already called them earlier today because he knew that he was coming to Samantha's for the night but last week when he spoke to them they asked about her. They already knew from Patrick that he and Samantha were dating but his mom wanted to know more.

"Well" Adam paused. "I don't really know how to describe her mom. She's beautiful..."

"I know that" his mom interrupted him "Patrick already told me that much" Adam narrowed his eyes "Oh, he did, did he?" She chuckled.

"What is she studying, honey? Where is she originally from? Does she have any siblings? I want to know all of that good stuff".

He settled in to talk to his mom and tell her everything that she wanted to know about Samantha and they ended their call as they usually did, with his mom asking if he would be able to make Sunday dinner.

"In another couple of weeks I should be good" Adam said and his mom added "Maybe you would like to bring Samantha with you?"

Adam knew that she was giving him some sort of parental test and he surprised them both when he answered "Yeah, she probably could. I think that she's off that day too but I'll double-check her schedule". He could hear his mom smile over the phone "Okay then, sweetheart. Have a good week and I'll talk to you next Wednesday."

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